Sunday, September 03, 2006

Democrats Haven't Articulated What Their Party's Alternatives to GOP Plans Are: They Can't Replace Something With Nothing and Expect to Win Election

The Democratic are employing their "stealth" strategy again across the country, refusing to take positions on anything. They are very vocal in saying "NO" to GOP legislation, "NO" to President Bush, and "NO" to those in their own party who disagree with the activists who appear to have captured control of the Democratic Party.

So far they are sitting back and enjoying making the GOP squirm as early polls point to voter dissatisfaction with the GOP-controlled House, which is dominated by "moderate" (aka closet liberal) Republicans.

Does anyone remember the "Anyone but Bush" mantra employed by the Democrats during the 2004 Presidential campaign? They used this to draw attention away from Kerry's terrible record of being on both sides of an issue and flip-flopping like a fish out of water during the campaign itself; Kerry's unwillingness to take a side on specific issues didn't help them either.

There's no doubt that the Republicans will definitely lose some seats in the House, but how many? Pundits have already awarded control of the House to the Democrats, but it isn't over until the fat lady sings. And she isn't singing until Election Day is over.

If the Dems rely too much on voter dissatisfaction alone to win the day, they may not have things go their way. Voters want to hear what candidates stand for. And they want to cast their vote based on those views. The Republicans are speaking loud and clear, but the Democrats aren't.

They're using a failed tactic again, hoping that voters will put them back in charge of the government BEFORE they put their platform together.

Casting a blind vote like that is not an option. People need to think before they vote.

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