Pope Benedict XVI is under fire from Muslims around the world, and angry demonstrations are taking place in many Muslim countries because of his quotation of a Byzantine emperor who criticized Mohammed's use of jihad to force-convert others to Islam. Muslims are taking offense...when they shouldn't.
The pope was making the point that religious teachings that call for forced conversions to any religion were and are evil. So he was also criticizing Christianity too, but the Muslims seem to be ignoring that fact.
No apology from the Pope is warranted.
On a related topic, I see the Jewish population around the world hasn't held violent street protests over the publication of Holocaust cartoons in Iran and Europe. They haven't burned down any embassies or murdered bystanders in those countries.
Oh, right. The Jews don't do that. The extremist Muslims do.
Strange how some members of a so-called "religion of peace" throw it straight into the garbage can whenever it suits them, whether it's over a publication of a cartoon of Mohammed, or the Roman Catholic Pontiff pointing out that any religion that resorts to violence to convert the unwilling is worthy of that same garbage can.
When will the extremist Muslim double-standards stop? And how many embassies are they going to burn this time with their (barely) adolescent behavior? How many (of their own) people will pay the ultimate price when they're killed in the streets to satisfy their religious blood-lust?
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