Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Foley Sex Scandal Brings Out Some Long-Contested Hot Topics

Former House Representative Foley's admission that he is a gay man is the homosexual lobby's worst nightmare come true.

It's going to further muddy the water as to where the boundary is between a gay man and a pedophile.

For years the homosexual lobby has insisted that gay men are not pedophiles (and branded anyone who said so a "homophobe" or "gay basher"), while the opposition has said that the line is much thinner than the gay lobby would allow to be discussed.

The opposition has long said that the line between a homosexual "relationship" and a case of child molestation boils down to age, and that since a gay man is already predisposed to be attracted to men, what's to stop him from going beneath the age of consent if someone young catches his eye?

And here we have a formerly closeted gay man propositioning an underage boy for sex, proving the point.

And he may not be prosecuted for it either due to "gray areas" in the law.

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