Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Military Chaplains Should Be Allowed to Invoke Jesus's Name Whenever They Wish

This is ridiculious...U.S. military chaplains cannot invoke the name of Jesus during public prayer services...including battlefield services over the bodies of dead American soldiers who were practicing members of a religious faith. This, because they don't want to offend secular members of the unit who might be offended by the mention of Jesus or God as a priest is giving Last Rites or whatever the religious practice calls for.

What is the point of having a chaplain if he cannot practice his or her religion and lead others in observances of that same religion? That's why they have chaplains of every faith there--so soldiers can choose their "flavor" and pray in whatever fashion they wish. Those that choose not to--don't.

But the Congress should leave the chaplains alone and let them do their work without barriers. Let the military brass deal with this issue.

The long and the short---if it's billed as a non-denominational service, then it should be. But chaplains need to be able to perform their jobs for the religious.

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