House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that she was disappointed with Congress's lack of progress on high-priority issues--namely immigration, the Iraq War, stem cell research, and other hot topics.
What did she think was going to happen when her special interest-dominated party took the reins of power? That she'd actually be able to hold the coalition together once an issue came up that the special interests were opposed to one another on, such as Iraq funding?
For years they've been "no to this," "no to that," "no to George Bush's illegal war," "no to neo-cons," "no no no no no!"---while offering no alternatives. They were silent.
Then they came to power because voters were expressing their displeasure with the Republican-dominated House and Senate and especially with President Bush. And the only way to do that was to vote for the other candidate.
Nancy Pelosi blaming Senate Republicans for her lack of control over her own party is both amusing and a sign of desperation. She'll say or do anything to get her dissenting membership to agree with her. She's clearly hoping she can end the public meltdown of Democratic unity.
She's giving the united Republicans more credit than they've earned in this matter; it's not Republican opposition that's responsible for 51% of her problems; it's defections from her party when the time comes to vote on these bills that are most responsible for her control issues.
Republicans are veering away from President Bush's positions on Iraq and immigration; yet Pelosi can't take advantage of that because the special interests are pulling her own party apart at the seams, wanting differing things on how to deal with the Iraq question and how to cater to potential new immigrant voters.
The next election will be interesting.
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