Friday, July 27, 2007

Youtube/CNN Debate Was Interesting: I Hope This Format is Done Again

I watched the CNN/Youtube-sponsored Democratic debate a few nights ago and came away impressed with the format. Having people send in video questions and comments is a great idea.

The fellows from Tennessee were great with their comment on this:

The snowman was idiotic (and I thought the answer was a bit of a stretch):

I thought the liberals up on the stage were going to have a heart attack with this question on gun control (and the "prop" used by the person asking the question!)

Thirty-nine questions were asked on all kinds of issues that were important to the Democratic base as well as the viewing public. I do hope they do this kind of debate with the eventual nominees from both parties. Trying to question eight or nine candidates was unwieldy, but they pulled it off.

Someone had a real good idea.

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