Friday, November 02, 2007

Marvel Comics Unveils New Captain America: New Superhero Carries a GUN??!

After Marvel Comics killed off Captain America in their Civil War series, it was thought that they might somehow bring the star-spangled hero back to life.

They did so, but the original Captain America will remain buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Marvel has decided to introduce a new Captain America, with a new uniform, new attitude, and new armaments. This version of Captain America will carry a knife, guns, as well as the customary indestructible shield that was a staple item of the Captain America series since March of 1941, when the series began.

The original Captain America rarely had weapons other than his shield; this is not a welcome change.

The new series is a direct spin-off of the events of Civil War, and the new Captain America may be a clone of his original superhero sidekick, Bucky, who was reported killed fighting the Red Skull during World War II.

We'll see what happens.

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