Sunday, March 02, 2008

South America Unsettled as Three Nations Mobilize Troops and Break Diplomatic Relations: Chavez on the Move

Over the weekend, armed forces of Columbia crossed over the border into Ecuador and killed a Marxist rebel leader who was seeking to overthrow the government of Columbia.

In direct response, both Ecuador and Venezuela rushed troops and military equipment to their border regions and are threatening to attack Columbia if it crosses the border again. Mouth of the South Hugo Chavez got onto his Venezuelan state radio and directed his Minister of Defense to mobilize Venezuela's army and air force. Showoff. Grand-stander.

As I wrote on Feburary 19th: Today the Mouth of the South and the region's most dangerous man is Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who has turned Venezuela into a communist training camp and arms supply depot for insurgents looking to overthrow neighboring governments who do not hold Marxism in the same high regard as Chavez. Too bad he isn't following Castro out the door.

That last sentence rings truer today than it did just two weeks ago. Venezuela's embarked on a massive arms build-up and now he's taking advantage of a problem between Ecuador and Columbia to play with his new guns, subs and arms, which Russia supplied to Venezuela in vast quantities.

Chavez ought to shut up, order his military back to their bases and keep his nose out of other the affairs of other nations. If a war starts now, it'll be because the Mouth starts it.

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