Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Two Border Agents Not on Presidential Pardon List: They Should Have Been

Two border security agents who shot a Mexican drug smuggler who was attempting a felony escape remain behind bars as President Bush pardoned fifteen convicted criminals and commuted the sentence of another drug fiend.

Border agents Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos were not on President Bush's list; they should have been. They were doing their jobs; the only thing that they are guilty of is "denial of trade" with regards to the smuggler. He was over here selling his 800 pounds of weed and disobeyed a lawful order to halt.

Instead, the government treated the smuggler for his rear-end wound, and offered him complete immunity in exchange for his testimony against the two agents.

This miscarriage of justice continues.

And it should be noted that after these two Border Patrol agents were sent to prison to begin their sentences on January 17, 2007, the drug fiend Aldrete Dávila was subsequently arrested on the border for his continuing drug smuggling operations on November 15, 2007. He faces forty years. That's the charge that should have been filed IN THE FIRST PLACE!

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