Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Detroit City Council Moves Against Mayor Kilpatrick: Votes to Take Steps to Remove the Mayor from Office

The Detroit City Council's feud against Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick entered a new phase after the council voted to take steps to remove the mayor from office. He stands accused of eight felony charges related to his text-messaging sex scandal that cost the taxpayers of Detroit millions of dollars.

This was a necessary step in restoring public confidence to the Mayor's office. They've scheduled a forfeiture hearing for June the 13th. But it may be unnecessary as the trial should be decided by then. If he's found guilty of any of the felony charges, he automatically loses his office. If he's found innocent, what will the city council do then? Will they have a leg to stand on?

This is getting more interesting by the day. Who needs TV shows with legal dramas? Detroit's got it all.

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