Thursday, May 08, 2008

Michigan Democratic Plan to Split Delegates Between Clinton and Obama is Junk: Why Are They Awarding Obama Freebies?

News broke yesterday of a plan put forth by Michigan Democrats to split the state's delegates between Clinton and Obama 69-59 in favor of Clinton. I think this plan is a very bad one. Obama wasn't even a candidate--he pulled his own name off the ballot--so why is he getting freebie delegates?

Clinton should be getting 55% of the delegates and the other 45% should go to the convention as un-pledged delegates, who can support whomever they want once they get to the convention. If they want to support Obama once they get there, that's fine, but to give Obama a single pledged delegate is not reflective of the election that was held.

He could have kept his name on the ballot, but he chose to pull his name from consideration. So he shouldn't be getting 59 freebie delegates at all.

Or 1/2 that number under Rule 20.C.1.A. of the "Delegate Selection Rules for the 2008 Democratic National Convention" which the DNC is in the process of violating. More on that later.

Forget the current plan.

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