Friday, May 30, 2008

Texas Supreme Court Rules Against Illegal Seizure of Polygamy Kids: Case is in the Toilet

The collapse of the prosecution of the Texas polygamists accelerated today with a ruling by the Texas Supreme Court in favor of returning the kids to their parents.

This is what happens when the law is treated like optional guidelines; and I can't believe that Texas officials got stuck on STUPID! They've been reduced to sending the kids back to a less-than-ideal situation at best, and a molestation situation at worst.

This is ENTIRELY the fault of these people who decided to blanket the entire colony with this idiotic warrant that never should have been issued. They should have done their homework, infiltrated the group or turned a few of the members and targeted ONLY those individuals who they suspected of abusing kids. Instead, they took the children of the innocent as well as the guilty, and denied due process to all.

Now the Texas CPS and legal system has egg in it's collective faces, and it's their own damned fault! They could have put a stop to this type of behavior, but because they didn't follow their own procedures, this case has been turned into a total farce. And the polygamy BS will continue.

Someone needs to face the music over this unbelievable situation.

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