Congress has taken it upon itself to start shredding the Constitution that they took an oath to protect, in the name of their health care reform bill. Other things are just plain wrong.
The list as I see it:
- Making the bill irreversible. They can’t do that; the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and trumps all bills. And I don’t see Congress trying to pass a Constitutional Amendment to make this happen. This is grounds for a constitutional challenge all by itself. Nothing is irreversible, by Constitutional standards.
- Mandating that people who don’t buy insurance go to jail. This is not the federal government’s call, as insurance is under the direct control of the states. This federal power grab is illegal; insurance is a reserved power for the states to regulate. Refer to Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.
- Forcing people to pay for abortion services is morally objectionable. I have no intention of paying for someone to get an abortion. For those who say senators are imposing their religious views on everyone, that’s only half the story. Those who support abortion rights are also trying to impose their views on everyone by forcing everyone to pay part of a premium to abortion services. Intolerable! They’re going to violate the rights of pro-life people to support their own.
- Congress is also preparing to exceed it’s taxation authority by imposing tax penalties on those who are not in compliance with their health care bill. The federal income tax should be dealing exclusively with taxing income. And they’re going to punish those who can least afford it too.
- The negotiations that have taken place thus far, including the Nebraska payoff, amounts to bribery for votes. The last time I checked, that’s a criminal offense. See references to “Bribery of Public Officials” for clarification.
- The numbers aren’t adding up. The Dems are double-counting savings throughout the bill, but with the type of numbers they’re trying to shovel under the carpet, it’ll add to the debt faster than it will pay it off. Add the sweetheart deals to Democratic senators that they’ve bought off (some $159 billion from the bribery), and you have a budget-wrecking proposal.
- Why are they targeting the system that pays for medical procedures, instead of limiting the amount that can be charged for medical procedures? I think they’re going about this business backwards.
- The economy is still a train wreck. We shouldn’t be going for expensive new federal programs until the economy is cleaned up and is on the move again. The current Administration needs to clean up it’s own act and quit blaming Bush. This health care bill is Obama’s baby, not Bush’s. And using Bush’s excesses is not a valid excuse for the Obama Administration to continue the trend. What Obama should have done was cut the federal budget as soon as he took office, to pay down Bush’s debt. Once that was dealt with, THEN he should have started making noise about health care reform.
More to follow. I think all the deals should be immediately rescinded to start with. And the numbers redone. And all the constitutionally objectionable stuff removed. And abortion services either banned, or made as an option that pro-life people can opt out of.
Then we’ll see how much support this health care bill actually has.
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