Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vatican Goes Both Ways on Nature: It Blasts Nations for Not Agreeing to (Flawed) Global Warming Treaty, and It Blasts “Avatar” Movie for Promoting Nature Over Religion

It sounds to me like the Pope needs to fire some of his advisers when it comes to nature and develop a more coherent stand of where nature stands in regards to religion.  Because two conflicting stands have emerged from Vatican City in the last week.

One week ago the Vatican blasted the international community for not striking a deal on a global warming, saying that it was humanity’s responsibility to care for God’s creation. 

Yesterday, it blasted the James Cameron film “Avatar” for promoting worship of nature over that of religion. 

In my opinion, man-made global warming hubris has become part of the “religion” of worshipping nature.   So I am a little concerned that the Vatican has bought into the hubris, and isn’t doing more to cast the global warming discussion into its proper place.

If Pope Benedict XVI wants to make the Vatican more energy efficient and make the environment cleaner, and encourage the faithful to do the same to be better stewards in preserving God’s magnificent works, then so be it.  I like that idea.

But man-made global warming is a political creation, and a deeply flawed one at that too.  The Vatican shouldn’t be taking a side on this politics-based “science” that is as full of hot air as Al Gore is.   I would encourage the Vatican to clarify its position and to help correct the flaws in understanding what global warming truly is, and what it isn’t.

One other thing: the  kind of thinking that put forth the idea of man-made global warming came from liberals who reject the teachings of the Church, and religion in general.  Why, then, is the Church buying into this global warming hubris put forth by THOSE people??!   Global warming hubris is a FALSE religion.  And bad politics.  And REALLY bad science.

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