Saturday, March 12, 2016

Violence at Trump Events is Not Unexpected: Trump Has Actively Been Encouraging It With His Abrasive Language, Confrontational Rhetoric and Unwillingness to Adapt His Strategy

There has been a spike in violence at Donald Trump’s campaign events, and it’s not unanticipated at all.  A blind man could have seen it coming.

What I am surprised at is that it hasn’t happened much much sooner than now, and that no one has tried to shoot their way into one of his campaign events.   Even now, attendees at some of his events are saying they may have to kill his opponents if they don’t stop protesting.


Does Kristallnacht ring a bell?  I think parts of the country are on the verge of one, with Trump at the wheel. 

Historically, when a political leader calls for violence to deal with groups of people, violence ensues.  We saw it in Rwanda, we saw it in Iraq, and in Libya, during the breakup of Yugoslavia, and we’re seeing it in Syria on a daily basis.

Trump needs to cool it, before American people start to die.

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