The liberal political establishment has been blasting the GOP presidential candidates for suggesting that they’d go into Muslim neighborhoods and recruit Muslims to report on extremists in their communities.
Excuse me, but that’s PRECISELY what the federal government did when they went after the Five Families in New York City. They didn’t just recruit any Joe Blow off the streets, they recruited Italians and Sicilians to be informers.
The libs need to get off their high horses and get with the program and protect the country. I detest the mess that they’ve made out of the immigration debate, and the fact that they’re attacking the Republicans for trying to clean up the failed policies of the current Administration. And I especially detest that the author of those failures is leading the criticism of his potential successors for daring to clean up his mess.
Who knows, they might find a lot of cooperation in the Muslim communities, who have opened the doors of their mosques to law enforcement already.
We don’t want to be like Europe. Their model is failing right before our eyes, and people who are doing nothing but going about their business are being blown up by an enemy that we’re supposedly “winning” against. Thanks a lot, Mr. President. What’s it going to take to get your attention, a huge bomb attack in Times Square?
I also found it very interesting that Obama criticized Cruz and attacked his new friends, the Castros, in the same speech. I wonder if he said the same thing to their faces while he was on his vacation to Cuba?
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