Sunday, October 29, 2017

President Trump Needs to Remember That Mueller Investigation of Trump Campaign Has Been Going on For Months, While Revelations About DNC/Clinton Campaign Have Been Making the News For Less Than a Week: President Needs to Settle Down

President Trump has been hollering a lot on Twitter lately due to a leak in the Mueller probe investigating Russian connections to the Trump campaign, and the fact that there will likely be some kind of arrest by the FBI in the next twenty-four hours.  

I think Michael Flynn is the likely target, with Paul Manafort being in the running too.   And I don’t think the arrests will be related to Russia, either.   It’s something else that they found in the course of the investigation, if the leaks are to be trusted.

With President Trump, he’s demanding investigations of the DNC and the Clinton campaign, but he has to remember that the Russia probe against people around him has been going on for months, while news of the DNC/Clinton connection to Russia has been breaking news for less than a week so far.   The Mueller probe will make a splash first.

If there’s an independent counsel appointed, it’ll be months before anything is done about the President’s opponents.

The next twenty-four hours will be interesting.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Church Removing Memorial to President Washington Isn’t a Big Deal: That’s Their Business

I’ve considered the controversy involving the George Washington and Robert E. Lee memorials from the Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia, and don’t think it’s a big deal.   I don’t come from a church that honors political and military figures in the chapel area with memorials to the left and right of the altar.  I’m accustomed to seeing religious items there.

I’m not inclined to comment further, with the exception of the following observation:

I see that the church itself has the good sense not to be hanging a Black Lives Matter banner outside while discussing removing a memorial to President Washington.  That would have been a huge lighting rod for controversy.

Let them do what they want with their church.

Friday, October 20, 2017

I Can’t Take Someone Who Dresses Like This Seriously, No Matter What Their Skin Color Is: Who is This, Princess Cowboy?

Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., talks to reporters, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017, in Miami Gardens, Fla. Wilson is standing by her statement that President Donald Trump told Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson killed in an ambush in Niger, that her husband "knew what he signed up for." In a Wednesday morning tweet, Trump said Wilson's description of the call was "fabricated." (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Does this Congressperson really expect to be taken seriously, dressing like this?  I’m sorry, but I just can’t believe someone dresses like this and is supposed to be a representative of a Congressional District.

I thought this was one of those rodeo clowns that I saw on TV the other day.

This is a joke, right?

Monday, October 02, 2017

Horror in Las Vegas: It Looks Really Bad

Still a lot of chaos coming out of Las Vegas, where a gunman opened fire during a country western concert on the Strip. 

Early indications point to a lone wolf with fully automatic weapons opening fire on a crowd of thousands.  The police are saying there are twenty dead and hundreds wounded.

Thoughts and prayers to the families of the dead, and the wounded in this nightmare situation.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

The Sight of Spanish Police Breaking Up an Election (and Breaking Heads) Was Too Much: Is Spain a Democracy, or Is It a Totalitarian Regime?

Spain’s behavior in Catalonia as it voted on whether or not it wanted to remain a part of Spain was not worthy of a democratic nation that respects the rule of law.

I thought we were watching Soviet or Russian interior ministry troops at work, not the Spanish police.

Spain already said they didn’t recognize the vote; the Spanish courts ruled them illegal, so why break them up with violence too?   The UN Human Rights Council and the EU equivalent needs to look at how the Spanish handled this situation.   I think it was handled very badly.

And the Catalonian assembly will do what it’s going to do, regardless of whether they win the vote or not.  Will that get broken up by violence too?

I think Spain will have an uprising to deal with now.