Sunday, October 01, 2017

The Sight of Spanish Police Breaking Up an Election (and Breaking Heads) Was Too Much: Is Spain a Democracy, or Is It a Totalitarian Regime?

Spain’s behavior in Catalonia as it voted on whether or not it wanted to remain a part of Spain was not worthy of a democratic nation that respects the rule of law.

I thought we were watching Soviet or Russian interior ministry troops at work, not the Spanish police.

Spain already said they didn’t recognize the vote; the Spanish courts ruled them illegal, so why break them up with violence too?   The UN Human Rights Council and the EU equivalent needs to look at how the Spanish handled this situation.   I think it was handled very badly.

And the Catalonian assembly will do what it’s going to do, regardless of whether they win the vote or not.  Will that get broken up by violence too?

I think Spain will have an uprising to deal with now.

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