Monday, October 18, 2004

International Leaders Begin to Weigh in on American Elections

The leaders of Russia and Malaysia have urged American voters to vote for Bush on terrorism issues.

While I do not totally disagree with their sentiment, I do disagree with them taking a side in an American election.

Nations need maintain their neutrality in the American political process, even as America maintains neutrality in their political campaigns. This is how it has always been.

This is a continuation of my condemning international polls that show that the rest of the world favors one candidate over another. We don’t care what the rest of the world thinks of our candidates since they are not electing the American President. The American people are.

This could open the floodgates for world leaders to publicly weigh in, which I would take as an attack on our right to choose our own leaders without being influenced by foreign interests.

So I would hope that other nations would remain silent, or if asked by the media, use appropriate diplomatic language that says that they are neutral in American politics.

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