The Washington Times is running a story that says Russian spetsnatz (special forces) moved special weapons of Russian manufacture out of Iraq and into Syria and Lebanon before the war began, including the missing high explosives that have seen so much political play in the U.S. Presidential campaign this week.
According to the report, the Russians were unable to convince Saddam to give up the arms programs, so they struck a deal with Iraqi intelligence services to remove the weapons and disperse them, with Saddam’s knowledge. Iraqi reports written by Saddam’s government and captured by the coalition provide a revealing insight into what the Russians did.
Whether the missing Iraqi weapons of mass destruction program were part of the deal is not yet known.
This would explain a great many things, such as the failure to find weapons that the Iraqis had before the war began, and how Saddam could obsess over Iran gaining nuclear technology, while being determined to keep apace with Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.
If this story is proven to be correct, then we have to ask ourselves: has a new Cold War begun between the U.S. and Russia? What was taken out of Iraq by the Russians? Where are those weapons now? And what is yet to come?
Finally, is this the long-awaited “October Surprise” that will vindicate Bush’s decision to invade Iraq?
It’s going to be very interesting to see how this plays out.
Here’s the story.
A return to the Cold War would not be so bad as it's control of wmd did keep us out of war which is more than can be said of our new found democratic "freedoms."
The more widespread belief is that an October Surprise would be the capture of bin-Laden just before the start of the election. I’m taking a broader view that any October Surprise would be news huge enough to shift public opinion toward re-electing Bush, such as the capture or death of bin-Laden, the sudden discovery of WMDs in an underground bunker which would justify the war in Iraq, an act of nuclear terrorism somewhere in the world, or anything that would work to Bush’s favor. Including Russian involvement in the Iraq situation.
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