Thursday, September 22, 2005

Able Danger: What is Going On Here?

Is there any truth to Able Danger?

What did the military really know about the 9/11 hijackers? Did they identify Mohammed Atta a year before 9/11 took place?

The Defense Department's supression of several witnesses on "national security" grounds before they were able to testify before Congress today was deeply troubling. It shouldn't have happened like this; it makes the military look as guilty as sin.

The lack of honesty about Able Danger calls the 9/11 Commission findings into question and invalidates part of their account of what happened prior to 9/11.

The Commission members have dismissed Able Danger, but they can't simply dismiss it outright without hearing testimony first. And the government is doing what it can to stop the testimony from happening.

This has the makings of a major scandal. We don't need that right now.

Story as follows.

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