Sunday, September 25, 2005

Local Homeless Left Behind in Katrina Disaster

The Lansing State Journal had an article in last Friday's edition that raised some good points on Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita relief efforts and should be explored.

According to State of Michigan estimates, there are some 40,000 homeless people in Michigan.

When the Gulf Coast got clobbered by two monster hurricanes, Michigan's government and people responded by raising millions of dollars and opening hundreds of homes and apartments for hurricane evacuees as well as opening up armories and other government facilities to refugees.

It is very unfortunate that people and state government waited for a disaster of this magnitude to strike before taking action on a massive scale like this to help people.

Michigan has said it would accept up to 10,000 refugees.

What can we do to help the local homeless? We should not lose this opportunity to help the Michigan homeless as well as Gulf Coast evacuees.

Here's the story as reported by the Lansing State Journal.

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