Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Attack on Fox News Continues

Liberal political group MoveOn.org and supposedly non-partisan group Common Cause are continuing their attack on Fox News’s content and marketing.  At issue is Fox’s “Fair and Balanced” slogan, which liberal critics decry as false advertising.  They have petitioned the FTC to go after Fox News and issue a cease-and-desist order.
The FTC chair says that the petition will most likely fail because in order for the FTC to examine whether the slogan is false advertising, they would have to examine the news content, judge it and decide if it was acceptable.  This intrudes on First Amendment guarantees of a free press.
While I do not care about the slogan itself, the First Amendment is again in danger of being weakened by people who care only about silencing their most vocal critic.  Both groups have been severely criticized by Fox News for distorting facts when they make their political arguments.  These groups have no thought of what they are doing to the entire system; they only care about their immediate short-term political objectives.  Further, the second part of the Fox News slogan is being conveniently ignored by the libs:  “We Report.  You Decide.”  
Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity have ridiculed the nonsense and utter hatred coming from MoveOn.org (see the Hitler/Bush ads for example) and Moveon.org has taken it upon themselves to destroy Fox News in return.
Common Cause is a bit of a surprise since they have usually gone right down the middle.  I still agree with some of the stuff on their web site, but on other issues they’ve gone way left. Too far left for my taste.  They appear to have moveon.org’ed.
Let’s look at the definition of false advertising via www.dictionary.com:
False advertising--the crime or tort of publishing, broadcasting, or otherwise publicly distributing an advertisement that contains an untrue, misleading, or deceptive representation or statement which was made knowingly or recklessly and with the intent to promote the sale of property, goods, or services to the public.
Here’s a news flash—There is no sale of property, goods or services to the public.  "We Report.  You Decide."  In other words, if you don't like what they are saying, watch something else.  Conclusion:  this is nothing but a smear campaign and an attempted rape of the First Amendment.  End of story.
Here's the link:

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