I recently watched "The Reagans" on video.
Do liberals really believe all of this crap? For that matter, do non-liberals buy into it?
It was a wise move for CBS not to air it. There were too many inaccuracies to simply explain away. How can the stars of the show admit that certain parts of the film were not supported by reality but then in the very next sentence say that those parts were equally as valid...just because. What a crock!
I came across a rabid anti-Reagan web site recently and the author said that he would never forgive Reagan for saying "Let he who lives in sin die in sin" when referring to AIDS victims. One problem...it never happened. That was something that got a lot of negative publicity from the conservative press. I can't remember if it was cut out of the Showtime viewing of it or not. Nancy says it didn't happen and I'm more inclined to believe her than a liberal show like that.
Are people really that gullible that they take it for Gospel truth? If they do, then I've got a bridge and some land on the moon that I'd like to sell them.
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