So, let me get this straight.
The Bush haters had no objections to the Michael-Moore/anti-Bush "Fahrenheit 9/11" movie, and the CBS fraud on Bush, but OBJECT to "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal" being shown on TV.
What kind of double standard is this?
There ought to be equal time for so-called "documentaries" on both candidates. It seems to me that Michael Moore started a food fight, and now the DNC doesn't want to get hit by food that is being caught and thrown back. Someone once told me never to start a fight unless I was prepared to take major damage in return. The Moore crowd and the DNC is coming across as having thrown a vicious punch and now are begging Bush supporters not hit back and begging the referee to stop the recovering Bush from hurting them back.
Moore made well over $100 million with his movie. The people who created "Stolen Honor" won't make a fraction of that amount. The Bush haters cheered the inaccuracies in Moore's movie, but won't tolerate the same thing in return on Kerry?
Unbelievable hypocrisy.
Yeah, but these are hardly equivalents. One is showing the right-wing documentary on network TV, that's the PUBLIC's airwaves, with no chance for opposing viewpoints. F 9/11 was a MOVIE you had to PAY to go and see in a movie theater. If you can't comprehend the difference between these two situations, that's sad.
Uh huh.
And if Moore is successful in getting his movie onto public TV so that as many people as possible can watch his poisonous hatred before the election is an example of what?
Using taxpayer money wisely? Moore thinks so. Check out his web site under his name if you don't buy it.
What about Moore's film being shown in a public library in Illinois, or teachers across the country showing the film in their classes? Do a google search on "Fahrenheit 911 shown in school" and look under news. That's the kind of two-faced bullshit that is going on here. Are schools not taxpayer-funded, too?
The really sad part is that the same people who are screaming about this anti-Kerry movie as being on the public dime wouldn't be raising the same objections if it was Moore's movie instead of the anti-Kerry version.
The smart money says that they'll air the anti-Kerry movie as soon as possible and then play Moore's hatred-mongering the day before the election under the guise of equal airtime.
Except one is based on hatred and the other is put together from Kerry's own testimony before Congress in 1971, his speeches during his anti-war years, and his subsequent speeches on the floor of Congress over the last twenty years.
Now that we're teaching students to hate people in schools, spending taxpayer money to show the film in libraries as a "public service", I am criticized for ignoring the fact that one side pays to see the hate, while the other side of the story is presented on public TV. I ignored it because I didn't want to open that can of worms, but now that someone else has opened it, it's open season now.
More bullshit to clutter the issues.
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