In a positive development today, two federal judges in Ohio barred “party challengers” from being deployed across the state to check on voter eligibility. In addition, they decided that poll workers are the sole judges of who is/is not eligible to vote. The “challengers” in the Ohio court case are not the poll workers themselves, but Democratic or Republican Party representatives who float around and stop whomever they want from entering the polling place. This court decision will eliminate another Democratic reason to claim voter intimidation in the battleground state.
Party challengers should be banned across the country!! Having a stranger stopping you outside the voting station and demanding identification could be intimidating all by itself, especially for first-time voters. Then there is the possibility that certain party members could be challenging for reasons other than simple identification and eligibility validation, which is troubling.
Where I come from, you fill out a card, sign it, and a poll worker checks your name and valid ID against a master list to determine if you are eligible to vote. If you are, they hand you the ballots and you move on to a voting booth. If not, you are asked to leave or given directions on what to do next. This system is fair and efficient.
The Ohio Republican Party, strangely enough, was in favor of the party challenge system and is vowing to appeal the decisions. While I support the conservative movement, I do not agree with the Ohio Republican stance. We don’t need another “2000 Florida-style” Presidential election.
I think they need to have a little more faith in the poll workers, who can compare a valid picture ID against a master list of eligible voters. If there are legitimate cases of voter fraud going on in Ohio, then I don’t know what the solution is. Thumb prints? I have no idea. Criminal punishment? Definitely!
There is no guarantee that everyone who registers to vote will vote, either. Let the polling judges do their work.
Here’s the story.
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