Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Kerry Liberals Need Group Therapy??!

On the heels of a Kerry volunteer committing suicide at Ground Zero over Kerry’s loss to Bush, it was revealed today that some people in Palm Beach County, Florida, are seeing counselors because of their depression over the election.

People ought to quit crying and get on with their lives. Most mature people shrug their shoulders and vow to win the next time around and go back to their jobs.

I’ve been pointing out the dangers of rampant emotionalism the last few posts. There was so much liberal rage at Bush that you had to wonder what was going to happen to these idiots next. Well…here’s the story.

I wasn’t happy about Clinton winning in 1992 or 1996 or his surviving impeachment on the only charge that mattered, lying under oath, but I sure as hell didn’t need group therapy to talk about my feelings. Idiots! Grow up!! Get over it!

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