Saturday, December 30, 2006
Saddam Execution Denies His Other 100,000 Victims a Share of His Hide
But what of his 100,000 other victims?
My feelings on the death penalty notwithstanding, this sentence should have been delayed until the entire picture of Saddam's atrocities was known and he was held to account for every single life that he and his cronies took.
148 victims out of 100,000 were given justice. That amounts to less than 1% of 100,000 murder cases against Saddam.
He should have been forced to hear the names of every one of his enemies that he had murdered before any sentence was carried out. Now that will never happen.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Duke Rape Case Continues to Unravel: DA Should Drop ALL Charges and Prepare to Face the Music
The "victim" keeps changing her story and it's clear that there isn't enough evidence to carry anything forward. In addition, blunders in the interviewing of the victim (it never happened) and improper line-up identification procedures added to the prosecutor's problems. His prosecution of the suspects in the media is the main basis for the state bar complaints against him; the case against the DA opened two weeks after the woman reported the alleged rape.
Even if something did happen, the victim is unreliable. She's changed her story so many times that the entire case has been seriously undermined.
The remaining charges should be dropped.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Strategy for Winning In Iraq Isn't Working Because It Wasn't Designed for Muslim Country: It Was Designed for a Liberated Eastern Europe
By mind-set, I mean the thinking that when our tanks rolled into Iraq, our politicians believed our troops would be warmly welcomed into Iraq and democracy would be embraced by all. "We are not conquerers, we are liberators."
The strategy used thus far in Iraq is from a playbook that was designed for if we got into a war with the Soviet Union in the 1980s and seized control of Eastern Europe after turning back a Soviet military thrust into central Europe. Or if NATO attacked the Warsaw Pact first to get rid of communism.
Something's got to change and soon.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Why "ThunderFerret" and Not "Johnny Specific Somebody" On this Blog?
There's a specific reason that I do not use my real name or identity on here, and it's definitely not because I fear retribution.
It's because several years ago, I had a web site domain name registered in my real name instead of a more anonymous "pen" name. From bits and pieces of stuff on the site, someone was able to figure out who I was, where I was and and acquired an address for me. Since I was working for a not-for-profit in a very public position at the time, they were also able to figure out where I worked, who my boss was, and got all of his personal information as well.
The person who did this did it with me watching from behind him to see how easy it would be for someone to put 2+2 together and steal my identity. All he had was the web site address. It was shockingly easy for him to acquire other information from there.
I deleted the site, and reformatted many parts of it to exclude most of my personal information.
Today, there was a news article on MySpace users having their identities stolen because they have WAY too much information out there for troublemakers to data-mine. This was confirmation that I'm correct in limiting my information and remaining anonymous online.
There's too much danger of having one's identity stolen and a world of financial ruin that could follow a such theft. I also don't want some Mexican to illegally acquire an American job with my (stolen) identity.
Bloggers who write that anonymous blogs are bad and have their personal information posted for anyone to see are hypocrites, since many of them actually post false names instead of their real ones; and those that publish their actual information are just looking for trouble from identity thieves.
Any legislation that requires bloggers to identify themselves should reflect identity theft realities and not arbitrarily force people to put revealing information online because of WHAT they're writing about. Senator McCain should keep that in mind as he's proposed anti-blogging legislation in the Senate.
"Thunder" was one of my ferrets; his picture is posted on this blog.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Iraq War Limits Our Options Against North Korea, Iran and Sudan: Shortsightedness in Political Planning of Iraq War Is Biting Us Now
Six-party talks with North Korea ended without agreement yesterday. On the agenda for the five powers talking to North Korea this Friday is whether to continue the six-party negotiating format, or to go over to something else. They're waiting to find out what impact last month's U.S. elections will have on America's foreign policy.
Sudan has until December 31st to accept a U.S.-brokered deadline to admit United Nations peacekeepers into Darfur or else face "consequences." But we don't have an ambassador at the U.N. right now to keep up the pressure. Stronger resolutions were opposed by some of the other veto-wielding nations on the Security Council.
Iran faces a weak U.N. Security Council resolution demanding an end to their nuclear enrichment program, or other (undefined) steps will be taken, leaving Iran free to do what it wants. The same powers (Russia and China) also threatened to veto the entire resolution if it wasn't watered down.
Political mistakes and manipulations by the Bush Administration in the Iraq War are backfiring big time right now. When January comes around President Bush needs to have a master plan to deal with all of these critical foreign policy situations. And this should not include unilateral military approaches to dealing with the issues.
For instance, when December 31st comes and goes, the U.S. shouldn't announce that it alone is imposing a no-fly zone over Darfur to force compliance with the U.N.'s wishes when the Sudan tells the international body what to go do with itself. And Sudan is going to do exactly that.
It also shouldn't abandon the talks in favor of unilateral miliary action against Iran or North Korea. We have one major war going on, one smaller war, and not enough available ground troops to handle much more. At this stage of the game, we won't be able to help South Korea with sizable U.S. ground forces if North Korea decides on one final gamble to settle the score with South Korea. All of our heavy divisions are tied up elsewhere.
And if Washington chooses to settle the Iran question with force of arms, it's likely that U.S. forces in the region will be fighting the Revolutionary Guards in Iraqi and Afghan cities as well as the insurgency, al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
America's enemies are taking full advantage of the fact that the Iraq War is a tar baby and the U.S. military's strongest arm is already stuck. This perceived weakness is what is driving Iran and North Korea to be sure.
All of these problems can be dealt with if we have a cohesive strategy for Iraq, followed by a withdrawal and retooling of the U.S. military to put Iran and North Korea in their places.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Rosie and Trump Trade Insults: Now THIS is Good Television
I'm enjoying it a great deal.
It started with Trump's public redemption of the current Miss USA, who has been under fire for underage drinking and other major issues. He gave her a second chance and Rosie weighed in on The View.
She said that Trump was no moral authority given his track record of being divorced twice. Then she was wisecracking about his bankruptcies, but made some mistakes about whether they were business bankruptcies or personal ones. Trump has never gone bankrupt personally; it was his businesses that went under. But she didn't make that distinction. She also said he was like "one of those snake-oil salesmen from Little House on the Prairie."
Trump fired back saying he was going to sue her for the bankruptcy comments, then went on a blitz of news and talk-radio programs to throw insults at Rosie's openly gay lifestyle, her weight and other points of (dis)interest.
Then Rosie's girlfriend got in on it and Trump took some potshots at her too.
This is GREAT! Trump won't back down from anyone and all Rosie's done is made another enemy who won't let this thing die. The sort of war of words that is going on between them is Trump's kind of slugging match, so look for it to get wilder and wilder.
Presidential Pardon for Two Border Patrol Agents is a Great Idea: They Did Their Jobs
Former agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean were in pursuit of the suspect and believed he had a weapon and shot him in the buttocks to keep him from escaping, while in the course of their duties.
Charges were brought against the two agents; when they were convicted a couple of months ago, the department dismissed them. They were subsequently sentenced to 11-12 years for the shooting.
In addition, the drug fiend is suing the Border Patrol for $5 million. For what, denial of trade? He's lucky that the agents didn't hit him somewhere more vital and that he's still alive. The feds already paid his medical bills; that should be more than enough for a foreign drug smuggler who was engaged in breaking our laws and bringing his filthy poisons with him.
The convictions of the ex-border agents should be pardoned as soon as possible. 48 Senators and Representatives sent a letter to President Bush asking for his consideration. I hope he listens.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Deploying 40,000 More Soldiers to Iraq May Not be Enough
Let's put this into a historical analysis:
During Operation Desert Storm, the U.S. military used 575,000 soldiers to liberate a nation the size of New Jersey. It took 100 hours and an air campaign that took several weeks.
During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the U.S. military used 100,000 soldiers to conquer a nation the size of California. They've been fighting for three years and there's no end in sight. Current troop levels are around 140,000 in Iraq.
Guess what? An additional 40,000 soldiers won't make a whole lot of difference in the long run. Bumping the number up to 500,000 would.
They need to really think this through before sending more troops in.
Calling Someone a Nazi to Score Political Points is Reprehensible; This Tactic Has No Place in Civilized Discourse
The latest example of a TV personality attacking someone by comparing them to Nazis or to Hitler was The View's Joy Behar. She initiated a blatant attack on outgoing Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld while discussing the cover of Time magazine's Person of the Year issue. She didn't think naming everyone ("You") the Person of the Year was good enough, so she said: "You have to put, like, a Hitler type on the cover. Like, you put Don Rumsfeld there, or something."
Like, like, like.
Is she, like, a teen-aged teeny-bopper trying to sound intelligent? I'm not impressed.
Make no mistake: I'm not a fan of Donald Rumsfeld (see my prior posts), but I abhor the comparison that was made. It was sickening and wrong; even the audience didn't agree with her fine forensic analysis of the Time choice for Person of the Year.
Rosie ought to break out the duct tape and shut her up.
It seems like the more often people call one another Nazis or other adjectives which poison the atmosphere, the more the door to other bad words, such as the "n" word (for which other comedians have been heavily criticized for recently) is opened.
I think if things keep going as they are, we are in for a lot of terrible comments which will make the current atmosphere seem tame by comparison.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
NO To Secular Christmas Cards: Happy December Won't Cut It
Some cards this year and my reactions:
Happy Holidays. (Fine.)
Merry Christmas. (Excellent.)
Happy Christmas. (Excellent.)
Happy Hanukkah. (Excellent.)
God Bless You... (Excellent.)
Happy December. (Straight into the garbage can.)
Merry Xmas. (See "Happy December")
Happy New Year (in place of proper Christmas cards). (See "Happy December")
Bah humbug to secular holiday cards. The Grinch-people are at it again, banning everything in sight and Christmas cards are being given special attention this year.
Happy December indeed. Thhhhp!
Iranian Conference on Holocaust Denials is Reprehensible and is a Cover for His Hostility to Israel
The conference brought howls of protest from Germany, from Jewish leaders from around the world, from Israel (who the conference is targeted against) and from many others. It is expected that sixty leading Holocaust deniers from thirty countries will attend the conference.
President Ahmadinejad has already called for Israel to be destroyed and called the Holocaust a "myth."
He's also claiming that Iran is not hostile to Jews, despite forcing Jewish schools to teach an Islamic curriculum, forbidding Jewish texts to be taught in the Hebrew language but only in the Persian language, replacing Jewish principals and teachers with Muslim ones and forcing Jewish students to go to school on the Jewish Sabbath and pray on Muslim holy days. Jewish Iranians are also denied entry into institutions of higher Iranian education. (See the entry here and scroll down to discrimination.)
This sounds like he's trying to turn Jewish Iranians into Muslims, doesn't it?
In any case, Iran is definitely hostile to Israel and this conference proves it.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
People Need to Wear Seat Belts: Chances of Being Ejected from Vehicle in a Crash Increase Exponentially if They Don't
Here's a demonstration of what can happen when someone falls asleep at the wheel and isn't wearing a seat belt. That's no crash dummy being tossed about. And he did not survive.
Here's what a crash looks like from the outside. It isn't funny.
Consider: it takes an average of three seconds to fasten the darn thing. Three seconds of sacrifice can save an entire lifetime.
I wrote a heartbreaking letter of sympathy to a friend of mine a couple of years ago who lost her youngest son to an auto crash after he was forcibly ejected from the back seat of the car in which he was riding in rural Houghton County, Michigan. I mourned his loss along with others who knew him better: his family and friends and his mom, Mary, who I knew particularly well from our Scouting activities together.
Two teenagers needlessly died in that accident. The 16 year-old driver was charged in the accident.
This year it happened again. This time it was one of my brother's friends who died early Friday morning after he was ejected from a SUV and it rolled over him.
I graduated with his sister Darcy from high school; his older brother was a year ahead of me; his younger brother was a year or two behind my brother. I wish there was something I could do; but there isn't.
All I can do is raise public awareness of how dangerous it is to not buckle up and I hope others will do so as well. Please encourage your loved ones, friends and strangers to use their seat belts; not only for the holidays, but always. There is simply no excuse for not buckling up.
I've been known to turn off the engine of my vehicle and wait until someone who was refusing to put a seat belt on did so. Aunts, uncles, cousins and neighbors have fallen victim to this tactic; even a former camp supervisor did about four years ago.
I wouldn't recommend what followed that incident: he ordered me out of the driver's seat, switched places with me, started the camp truck (I had hurriedly put my seat belt on in the passenger's seat), put it in gear and mashed on the gas. He promptly slammed us into a tree. I stayed in my seat; he hit the steering wheel and cracked his sternum and broke his nose. He was lucky that we hadn't built up much speed. I didn't have a scratch on me, except for some frayed nerves. Our boss was definitely not a happy camper and his boss wasn't either.
And the funny part was that I was held blameless as he was driving (and had been warned by the boss about speeding in camp before) and did not have his seat belt on. The truck was totaled.
Everyone in the car should have a seat belt on, no matter where they're sitting. We can reduce traffic fatalities immediately and substantially if everyone takes an additional three seconds....
Friday, December 08, 2006
Actor Wesley Snipes Surrenders to IRS at Orlando International: Faces Tax Evasion Charges
His accountant is on trial right now for tax fraud in Philadelphia.
Snipes plead not guilty to all the charges and posted bond. He will be allowed to return to Africa to finish filming on the movie before returning January 10th for another hearing.
It should be interesting to see how this develops.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Congress Only Worked 103 Days Last Year and Got Little Accomplished: Exactly What Are We Paying Them Full Wages For?
That's what they're supposed to be doing!
As it turns out, the House was in session for 103 days last year. And they received full pay for working less than 1/3 of the year??!
They ought to repay the other two thirds for not showing up for work. No wonder Congress didn't get anything done!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Is Anyone Out There REALLY Surprised That Hillary is Exploring Running for President in 2008?
And even if she says she's not interested in running in 2008, she's already said that (then changed her mind.) She isn't officially out of the running until AFTER the primaries are held and the Democrats have their elected nominee.
It is a stated goal of this blog to campaign against HRC should she run. Remember--if SHE gets into the White House, we'll get HIM again, too.
Richards' Tirade Against African-Americans is a Total Farce: He Should Have Apologized and then Shut Up
The aftermath of the tirade has been a total farce. His going on Jackson's show was a total waste of time; all the civil-rights leaders did was make an example of him, and Jackson later said that he didn't believe the apology that Richards mumbled WHEN they allowed him to talk. He was on the air for two hours; Jackson and his associates spoke for three quarters of the time, taking turns lecturing the comedian.
I listened to the entire show and from my point of view, they didn't care about what Richards said; all they did was climb on the soapbox that he provided for them and beat the daylight out of him with his own words. They were clearly out to destroy him for what he said.
He should not have gone on Rev. Jackson's show. It was all showboating by Jesse Jackson and his colleagues; nothing of substance came of it.
What he should have done was gone on a neutral show where he could have explained himself completely, apologized, then disappeared from sight for a while. Instead he's been in the news just about every day waging a PR campaign. And no, Jesse Jackson's radio show isn't neutral ground on most issues.
Richards is compounding his original mistake with more mistakes that are causing further damage to his reputation. He needs to get out the news and get his act together.
One Major Mess: What Do We Do With 80 Year-Old Nazi SS Guards Accused of Aiding in the Holocaust?
Now these former SS men are 80 years old or older. And their home nations don't want them back. They don't want to hold trials because of the embarrassment it would cause them.
Six such men are in such a situation in Michigan.
They've been stripped of their citizenship and are awaiting expulsion. But Europe doesn't want them back. The International Criminal Court cannot put them on trial as their crimes predate the ICC's founding in 2002. And these men have fewer years ahead than they do behind.
It's kind of hypocritical that Germany is willing to press charges against Donald Rumsfeld for alleged crimes against humanity in Iraq, but won't put members of the SS on trial for crimes committed during the Holocaust against Jews in the name of the German people.
So what is to be done with these SS men now?
If we do nothing and let them go, justice remains undelivered for their victims. If the decision is made to prosecute them here, will they all understand what's going on, especially those suffering from dementia or from Alzheimer's?
What a major mess.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Iraq War and World War II Timeline Comparisons in Press Are Misleading
The United States fought the Axis Powers for 1,347 days according to their timeline and the day that they made mention of it was when the Iraq War entered it's 1,348th day.
There's a few things that they left out of their figures.
The war against the Iraqi army lasted 28 days when the coalition partners declared the war against Saddam Hussein's government finished.
The ongoing sectarian violence and insurgency is not being waged by Saddam's government as it no longer exists. The resistance is being waged by people who want the U.S. out of Iraq, and want members of their specific religion in charge of Iraq. Some of them may have been part of Saddam's government, but they aren't exactly trying to put him back in charge, are they?
The media reports forgot to mention that lengthy occupations followed the end of World War II. They ignored the entire Cold War in Europe and the occupation of Japan which lasted longer than the actual fighting did.
For the record:
The war against Germany ended on May 2, 1945.
West Germany was declared fully sovereign on May 5, 1955.
East Germany was declared sovereign in 1955 as well, though the Soviet Union had primacy there through force of arms until 1989.
Both joined the United Nations in 1973.
The war against Japan ended on September 2, 1945.
Japan was declared fully sovereign in 1952; it joined the United Nations in 1956.
The press should report the rest of the story and not just the parts that they like.
Lisa Holland Sentenced to Life In Prison; More Indictments in Case are Possible
So much for the Hollands. Unfortunately, they are not out of the news yet. Both Lisa and her husband Tim are saying that they will appeal their convictions and sentences.
In addition, the state has opened full-scale investigations of other family members who knew the Hollands had killed Ricky and helped them concoct the tale that Ricky was missing; Lisa's dad is at the top of the list. Also, state agencies have been conducting their own reviews of their conduct in the case but won't comment until the criminal cases are completed.
Looks like this is going to be in the news for quite some time to come.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789 by President Washington
Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor-- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.
Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be-- That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks--for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation--for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war--for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed--for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted--for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions-- to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually--to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed--to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord--To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease of science among them and us--and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
President George Washington
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Iranian Plan to Fingerprint Americans Entering Their Country is Fine: But Who's More Likely to Send Suicide Bombers to Attack the Other?
Question: is it more likely that Iran would send suicide bombers to the U.S. to hit American targets, or would America send suicide bombers to Iran to attack Iranian interests?
Who was it who said they had 40,000 suicide bombers ready for attacks against Western targets if there is a U.S./Iranian military confrontation over Iran's nuclear program? It sure wasn't the U.S. who said that.
The Iranians are free to do what they want to control entry of foreign nationals into their country, but they should acknowledge that the U.S. has that same right, especially in the face of their threats.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Judge Sentences Tim Holland to 30-60 Years for His Involvement in Murder of Ricky Holland
The sentencing guidelines called for a sentence of 13.5 to 22 years, but the presiding judge decided that wouldn't cut it and imposed a much more severe sentence for his failure to act.
His wife is to be sentenced in a couple of weeks.
My only comment is that I hope that the stiffer sentence doesn't lead to a protracted appeal. The ugly mood that festered down here during the trial has abated and most want the Hollands out of the news as soon as possible.
OJ Simpson is OUT of His Mind: New Book Describes How He Would Have Killed His Ex-Wife IF He Was to Do It
What other explanation is there for this?
He's publishing a book on how he would have killed his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman, HAD he been involved.
But he WAS involved. He avoided going to prison but was found responsible for their deaths in a civil trial, which lead to the judgment of $33.5 million against him.
Every penny he makes off of this should go toward paying off this judgment. What a dirty rotten thing to do.
Fox should not promote OJ's book by giving him interview time on their channel, and bookstores should avoid carrying the book like the plague. He needs to go back into his hole that he crawled into after the trial, and stay there.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Before Too Many Republicans Tuck Tail and Run, They Need to Remember That They're Still on the Taxpayer Time Clock
The new Congress isn't seated until January, so this Congress is still very much in session. There's still work for them to do.
The recent election sets a mandate for the 110th Congress and for the President to follow. But the current Congress already has a mandate from prior elections that they should honor until they recess and the new Congress takes over.
They need to get back to work, and stop wasting time.
If they decide to keep the seat warm and do nothing, they should resign immediately and get off the taxpayer time clock. We aren't paying them to keep the seat warm and vote themselves pay raises until January. There's been enough of THAT already.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Arab Leaders Have Good Reason to Be Uncomfortable With Saddam's Death Sentence
Arab governments are beginning to register their discomfort with Saddam Hussein's death sentence.
Egypt's President Mubarak has made it clear that he is against the Iraqi government hanging Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity for fear of an escalation of violence in Iraq between Saddam's supporters and everyone else. Other Arab leaders are also squirming.
I notice that not one has publicly come to Saddam's defense or to protest the immorality of the death penalty the way many Western governments have.
Here's what Mubarak and other Arab leaders meant: "Oh crap. If Saddam can be tried, found guilty and sentenced to death for crimes against humanity, what happens if our own people get the same notion against us?"
Some Middle Eastern governments should be squirming for what they've done to their own people.
Defection of GOP Senator Sinks Ambassador Bolton's Nomination to United Nations: Who Will President Bush Nominate Now?
A tie vote is the same as a 'no' vote; Republicans had the upper hand until Senator Chafee lost his re-election bid on Tuesday and decided the election results were a mandate for change on how business is being done in Washington. He made up his mind about supporting the nomination of Bolton in that spirit, which created a tie in the committee. The incoming Democratic majority leadership called further discussion of a Bolton nomination as "pointless" so his candidacy is all but dead.
This is not an altogether bad thing; Bolton had a reputation for being an abusive boss before; he has a reputation at the U.N. as being confrontational; diplomacy is about building consensus and Bolton doesn't help his own cause with his tactics. This was not a good choice to begin with; hopefully President Bush will nominate someone who is better suited to the position.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Bush Finally Allows Rumsfeld to Resign; Robert Gates Nominated to Be New Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld was finally allowed to resign by President Bush yesterday; Robert Gates was introduced as the new nominee for the post.
It's unfortunate that the President waited so long to replace Rumsfeld; it should have happened after the Abu Gharib sex scandal in 2004, when Rumsfeld offered to resign. Bush said "no" then, but he should have said "yes" and put his Secretary of Defense out to pasture.
Why the Administration didn't forsee the insurgency or Iraq becoming a magnet for terrorists and jihaddis was never articulated by Rumsfeld; nor was an effective battle plan to deal with them developed by the Pentagon under Rumsfeld's watch.
Hopefully Gates (or whomever is eventually nominated if it isn't Gates) listens to his generals when they say they need more men and arms over there, or when they say that things are as good as they're going to get and it's time to start drawing back our forces and redeploying them elsewhere in the world. Rumsfeld turned deaf when told it would take an army of 400,000 to secure Iraq properly, and then fired generals who wanted more "boots" to get the job done right.
He was arrogant and didn't listen to his people in uniform.
It was very unfortunate that he wasn't more flexible in maintaining sufficient heavy divisions but allowed them to bleed out in favor of lighter more mobile divisions. Lighter and mobile is good, but not for Iraq. Nor for North Korea. These are plans that are going to need to be rethought by the new SecDef. The military was resistant to those changes to their structure in the first place, but Rumsfeld didn't care.
Bye bye, Don Rumsfeld.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Democrats Take Over House: GOP Did This To Themselves
How bad the GOP did is still in the air and will be for some time to come as a number of Senate races are still too close to call.
President Bush and the GOP did this to themselves by not doing what they were supposed to over the last year with regards to illegal immigration, spending, fighting corruption and improving the situation in Iraq. They allowed election year politics to interfere with doing their j-o-b-s.
In some cases, moderate Republicans were defeated by conservative Democrats. That's not an altogether bad thing.
It will be interesting to see how this shapes up in the coming weeks and months. But if the Democrats go too liberal on the issues, they may make themselves as vulnerable as the GOP was in this election for the next time around.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Kerry Issues Apology To Military Personnel: Better Late than Never
The apology itself was satisfactory, though he didn't mean it. He was pressured into making the statement by his fellow Democrats, who were worried about the splash that Kerry was making.
This very public thumping is very bad news for Kerry's hope of a 2008 presidential run.
(Awww, too bad.)
Kerry Will Be Democratic Scapegoat If Dems Don't Carry House and Senate
The Senator should apologize for giving offense instead of digging in his heels and trying to shift the story to President Bush. Everyone is well aware of the Bush Administration's faltering Iraq policy, but that is NO excuse for taking a pot shot at the military that is carrying out the orders that the civilian leadership gave them, WITH Senator Kerry's now-famous 'yes' vote on the Iraq War resolution.
Botched joke or not, he owes the military an apology for making a highly insulting comment.
The Democrats now have a scapegoat if they don't carry both the House and Senate. The groans from Democrats began almost immediately and have been reverberating from coast to coast ever since. No one thought that a Democrat as prominent as John Kerry would deliver the October Surprise to aid the GOP.
And this is the first time in a long while that Limbaugh, Hannity AND Savage have been in total agreement on their respective radio shows. That's amazing in itself.
It's highly doubtful that Kerry will be out of the news by tonight as a CNN analyst predicted. The Republicans are just going to keep egging Kerry on, and Kerry's going to keep responding, unless the Democratic party leaders get control of him.
I think it's safe to say that Senator Kerry has guaranteed an increase in conservative voter turnout next Tuesday. Should be interesting to see what effect this has on campaigns around the country.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Congressional Race in Virginia Has Gone Wacko: Where Has Decency Gone?
I'm just going to link this story and say little else about the subject matter itself. Hopefully the voters of Virginia vote for decency.
Justice Delivered: Ricky Holland Murder Case is Done, Parents are Going to Jail
The jury convicted Lisa Holland of first-degree murder this morning. Her husband had already taken a plea deal in return for turning state's evidence against his wife.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for Tim or Lisa Holland. This is totally their fault. What they did to a defenseless 38 pound boy who they were supposed to be raising has entitled them to a life's stay in prison, where they will stay until they arrive at their own personal Judgment Days.
Tim and Lisa abused Ricky, murdered him with a hammer, dumped his body in a swamp, and then asked the public to join them in the search for Ricky, to which hundreds of people from neighboring communities responded. CERT teams, law enforcement and search and rescue teams came in from all over the state and region to assist.
The Hollands knew full well that Ricky was already dead, and not missing. The case finally broke when Tim and Lisa began accusing the other of murdering the seven-year-old. Tim lead the police to the body in the swamp, and quickly agreed to a plea deal.
This crime was so heinous that they should have told him to "go to hell" and gone for the first-degree murder conviction. His testimony was shattering not only to the defense, but to the entire area as well. The reverberations are still being felt.
Hopefully this conviction will begin the healing for the community of Williamston, the detectives who recovered Ricky's body and for all those searchers who scoured the land looking for Ricky.
Lisa will be sentenced November 28th.
They should throw the Hollands into vast underground jail cells that are so far away from civilization that the guards will have to shoot their beans to them (the Hollands) with a shotgun!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Diplomatic Ties With Iran and North Korea Should Be Established Sooner Rather Than Later: Even During Cold War, We Talked to Soviets
There may well have been a nuclear war in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Or military clashes in a number of situations with the USSR as the two nations were constantly at odds.
If there was no U.S./Soviet diplomacy, there would have been no reductions of nuclear arms between the U.S. and USSR. No recognition of the concept of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) if one side started firing nuclear missiles at the other. No realization that both sides didn't want war between them.
Even with diplomacy, U.S./Soviet relations were strained, so a reality where there were no direct ties between the two superpowers is downright terrifying to imagine.
The fact that we do not have diplomatic ties with Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and (sometimes) Syria is a cause for concern. We have conflicts going with Iran and North Korea that could turn into military situations in very short order. Why not talk to them directly instead of using intermediaries? If we can defuse North Korea without letting the missiles fly, why aren't we taking full advantage of that avenue?
Our history shows that we can talk with foreign governments, even if we don't like them.
We should have full diplomatic relations with every nation on earth.
Friday, October 20, 2006
CNN Airs Enemy Propaganda of Snipers Shooting U.S. Troops
I'm not alone in believing that CNN has become an enemy propaganda tool. It has for quite some time. Anderson Cooper tried to explain that the scene was faded to black before the bullet impacted out of sensitivity, and that the subsequent interview with a terrorist was a CNN exclusive. Oh, joy.
CNN's doors would be broken down and they would be SKINNED ALIVE if they had dared to show the bullets hitting our soldiers.
They ought to be ashamed of themselves for showing something like that on their show. One can only hope that family members didn't recognize their loved ones being targeted by the enemy.
Crooked CNN hatchet job!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
U.S. Military of the Future Should Not Be Engaged in Nation Building: It Should Go In, Destroy the Enemy, Then Leave
Equipment needs will be properly addressed, lessons learned from the Iraq War will be taught to new generations of soldiers, and military technology will take several leaps forward. Tomorrow's U.S. military will be deadlier and more efficient than ever before.
Along with manpower, equipment, technological needs, planning the next war will be addressed.
In that planning, I hope that U.S. politicians and military leaders never again plan on using the military in nation building, except if it's part of our country that they're trying to help rebuild, or disaster relief services, such as those provided by the U.S. military to the South Asian region of the world after the disastrous tsunami of December 2004.
Nation building is not for the military.
The U.S. military has two jobs: to kill the enemy, and to break things. That's what their training is for, that's what their equipment is meant to do. That means they go in, do their jobs, and then leave. If they're not doing that, they should be not involved with the situation.
If any future Commander-in-Chief decides to use a military option, he or she must be determined to destroy whatever they're choosing to attack, whether it's a terrorist training camp, or an enemy nation. If they've decided to use our nation's military might to solve a problem, that decision should not be made lightly.
Conquering another nation is prohibitively expensive, in terms of lives lost, material losses, collateral damage, loss of goodwill, and the myriad of other problems that arise when one nation occupies another. We've learned this from the Iraq War.
It's safe to say that America's experiment with invading other nations to effect regime change is effectively over. It's proven to be too costly to consider repeating.
I hope the planners think this out carefully.
Venezuela Promises to Interfere in Bolivia's Internal Affairs If Current Leader is Voted Out
It's become clear that he's planning on doing what he's accused the United States of: setting up an empire (with himself as absolute ruler).
And people wondered why the U.S. objected to the massive Venezuelan arms build-up?
It's because Chavez exports trouble to his neighbors, and U.S. officials predicted that the gun-toting dictator of Venezuela would try to export his Marxism outside of his own nation through use of force. And he's begun doing exactly that by promising to use force against his neighbors and refusing to recognize the new government of Mexico.
The true test of Chavez's words will come when a South American nation that he's targeted elects someone opposed to Venezuela's imperialism, or Venezuela itself votes Chavez out of office in the future. Would he go peacefully, or would he use violence and suppression to stay in power?
Monday, October 09, 2006
North Korea Tests Nuclear Weapon: They're in MAJOR Trouble
The fact that they defied China, their main ally in the region, speaks volumes to the level of opposition to North Korea's rash actions.
On the surface, it looks like resolutions condemning North Korea in the United Nations will face little opposition in the U.N. Security Council, but any authorization of military action will face stiff resistance from China and Russia. That hasn't changed.
The leadership of North Korea is so erratic that they may not be fully aware of how this is playing out in the rest of the world. They'll soon find out; hopefully it will topple North Korea's government and pave the way for peaceful reunification with South Korea. A united Korea that is free from communism and nuclear weapons would benefit the starving masses in the north as well as the region in general.
How much money has North Korea wasted on this needless course of action, and how many of their people have died from starvation as a result?
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Michigan Schools Post Lower Test Results in Social Studies and Language Arts Because of "No Child Left Behind" Legislation
Because NCLB tests solely in math and reading to grade the progress of the schools, they and their teachers have shifted their focus to concentrate on those two subjects, at the cost of all other subjects that they are required to test for in the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) as well as their own standards of performance.
No Child Left Behind needs to be reformed so that it doesn't ignore other important subjects. Education needs to be more well-rounded than what No Child Left Behind calls for.
Children may not be left behind, but something definitely is.
Lettuce Pulled in Several States: Contamination From Same Source as Contaminated Spinich
Investigators now believe that lettuce is also contaminated and have begun taking preliminary steps to pull it off the shelves in several states.
There's no telling when this will end, so my refusing to eat vegetables from that region of the country will continue. Unfortunately, Meijer and Wal-Mart import all of their salad vegetables from Salinas, and they are the two major grocery stores in my area. I've switched over to local farmers for my salad stuff for now.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Wisconsin Lawmaker Suggests Arming Teachers to Make Schools Safer: BAD IDEA
There is a solution out there to making the schools safer, but this isn't it.
Teachers, principals and support staff have no business carrying concealed weapons into schools. It would actually increase the danger to everyone in attendance. Most teachers are not expert marksmen, and bullets have a tendancy to go through things, such as people that they're aimed at, though walls, ceilings, chalk boards, glass, wooden doors and other objects found in schools.
They'd be better off building satellite police stations on school property/buildings and having them manned before, during and after school hours. This would cut their response time down to seconds instead of minutes. But this wouldn't be the perfect solution either in every case.
Difficult problem.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Foley Sex Scandal Brings Out Some Long-Contested Hot Topics
It's going to further muddy the water as to where the boundary is between a gay man and a pedophile.
For years the homosexual lobby has insisted that gay men are not pedophiles (and branded anyone who said so a "homophobe" or "gay basher"), while the opposition has said that the line is much thinner than the gay lobby would allow to be discussed.
The opposition has long said that the line between a homosexual "relationship" and a case of child molestation boils down to age, and that since a gay man is already predisposed to be attracted to men, what's to stop him from going beneath the age of consent if someone young catches his eye?
And here we have a formerly closeted gay man propositioning an underage boy for sex, proving the point.
And he may not be prosecuted for it either due to "gray areas" in the law.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Foley Sex Scandal Shows Congress Isn't Immune to Scandals Like This
I'm not.
NOTE: I am not defending the accused. He needs to be in jail for what he has done, and the page system needs to be revamped with protection guidelines for everyone under age 18 who participate as a Congressional page.
Everyone needs to remember that Congress is made up of people, and sometimes Congress is a mirror image of society in all of it's beauty, and in all of it's ugliness...and everything in between. Sometimes those with criminal intent make it past all of the background checks, psyche profiles and other standards of testing to get into positions where they have access to kids. Or get access to kids through programs like the page program, which has been around Congress for decades.
Every part of society has seen scandals like this; why do people consider Congress any different?
Remember: hypocrisy is a part of politics, and Congress is all about politics. Even Jay Leno showed unaltered clips of the accused talking about "sicko predators" to John Walsh on America's Most Wanted during last night's Tonight Show.
People should probably get used to the idea that this is probably just the tip of the iceberg and could get a lot worse before it gets better.
But it should also be noted that there are plenty of good apples in Congress and that there are bound to be some bad ones in there too, just like the rest of society. People need to remember that.
Military Chaplains Should Be Allowed to Invoke Jesus's Name Whenever They Wish
What is the point of having a chaplain if he cannot practice his or her religion and lead others in observances of that same religion? That's why they have chaplains of every faith there--so soldiers can choose their "flavor" and pray in whatever fashion they wish. Those that choose not to--don't.
But the Congress should leave the chaplains alone and let them do their work without barriers. Let the military brass deal with this issue.
The long and the short---if it's billed as a non-denominational service, then it should be. But chaplains need to be able to perform their jobs for the religious.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Chavez's Claim of Informant Inside White House is Attempt to Destabilize U.S. Government--Nothing More
This scenario is highly unlikely.
It is more likely he is trying to take advantage of the recent news involving information leaks from the White House to destabilize our government.
If he gets overthrown, it will be by his own people who want their freedom back, not by us. And he knows it.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Is There a Real Need for Coast Guard Gunboats on Great Lakes?
Are relations so bad with Canada that we're going to need to repel Canadian mounties showing up in rowboats to plant their flag on the U.S. side of the border?
Are we going to deploy sonar sensors to detect enemy submarines in Lake Superior?
What about putting a radar base on Isle Royale and reactivating KI Sawyer Air Force Base in Michigan's Upper Peninsula to blow intruders out of the water?
The Great Lakes aren't the problem...the Mexican border is. They should secure that instead of scaring our Canadian neighbors and our own people who enjoy the Great Lakes.
If the Coast Guard wants it's sailors to practice with firearms, then they should deploy them to Florida periodically and help with drug interdiction efforts. That's about as live-fire as they can get without deploying to a combat area.
I don't want anyone I know getting their boat blown out from underneath them while they're fishing and minding their own business.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Klingon Bat'leth Seized in London Raid: Police Take Full Advantage of PR Stunt for Their Knife Amnesty Program
Star Trek fans who collect replicas of Klingon weapons could face prison time in London, England.
A bat'leth was seized from a home in Gloucaster, England, and put on display as an example of the terrible problem of knife violence in the streets of London.
Except that the bat'leth is too big and unwieldy to use in street crime. The bat'leth (a Klingon word for 'sword of honor') is between four and five feet long and has a wicked curve. The bat'leth was seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation and in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in episodes where the Klingons were engaged in combat. It's designed to be seen.
I think that the London police are after switchblade and butterfly knives and not the hobbies of Star Trek fanatics (who are not predisposed to cut off someone's head or take off someone's arm.) The bat'leth is an attention-getter. If someone is going to mug a person with a knife, they're going to use something small and can be easily concealed as they flee the crime scene.
And if people in London are afraid of a bat'leth, remember that a canoe paddle can separate a man's head from his body too. And so can a whole host of other common items that aren't thought of as dangerous weapons.
This entire affair is pretty dumb.
Heartbreak in Colorado: Gunman Kills Hostage, Self in Platte Canyon High School as SWAT Moves In
He had released four of them thanks to the efforts of intense police negotiations, but the situation began to deteriorate until the man broke off the dialogue and set a time for the police to meet his demands. SWAT stormed the building and blew open the door to the classroom, but the gunman killed one of his two hostages and then killed himself.
Why do these madmen target kids?
This time it looks like it was someone from outside the school system who attacked, and not students targeting students. They've GOT to lock down the schools tighter to keep those whose intentions are nasty OUT of there.
Contaminated Spinich Leads to Huge Questions: Where in Salinas Valley Did E. Coli Bacteria Start, and Are Other Vegetables Contaminated?
I decided not to open it, just to play it safe.
Then the news came that the E. coli bacteria was found in a processing plant, plus in five rivers in the Salinas Valley watershed, back on June 30th. Blame was cast on factory farms in the region, where liquid waste made it into the water table.
I've subsequently thrown the bag of Iceberg out and am looking for vegetables that do not come from the area.
So far people are sick or dying from the spinich that came out of there, but if E. coli IS present in the water, then it may be spread into the crops by the factory farms, which draw water out of the river system to irrigate the crops. I'm told that using river water to irrigate is a very common practice, and not just in this part of the country.
The questions that need to be answered and soon:
Is E. coli present in the watershed as is being reported by the media? If it is, has the contaminated water been used to irrigate the crops?
How widespread is the E. coli contamination in the watershed?
Is there a connection between the contaminated water and the bad spinich, or is it a mere coincidence?
Is the processing plant currently being examined by investigators used to process other vegetables? And if so, which ones?
Should we be buying any fruits or vegetables from the Salinas Valley for now?
How worried should we be?
The local supermarket only carries bagged vegetables from Salinas, so for the moment, bagged salads from Salinas are off my menu, until they nail down the problem and fix it.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Pope Should Not Go to Turkey: Danger is Too Great
It's too dangerous and he's too tempting a target for a dunderheaded extremist to ignore. What kind of situation will exist if a Roman Catholic Pontiff is assassinated in a Muslim country, even if it's considered a moderate government and friend of the West?
I hope the Pope does reconsider going to Turkey. Now isn't the time.
US Navy Retires F-14 Tomcat: F/A-18 to Replace Cold War Weapon
The F/A-18 Hornet will replace it.
Most will remember the F-14 from the Tom Cruise film "Top Gun" in 1986.
It got very expensive to maintain the fighter, which required forty hours of service on the ground to keep it in the air for one hour of flight time. Over the last year every F-14 squadron was deactivated and their equipment flown back to the United States for mothballing, dismantling, or preparation for their new role as museum pieces.
The Soviets definitely didn't like the F-14; it was designed to shoot down Soviet bombers and fighters that were threatening U.S. Navy aircraft carriers or military bases. Now Iran is the only nation left in the world flying the F-14 and they're in various states of disrepair since the U.S. government won't sell them spare parts to maintain the air-superiority fighter.
Wikipedia has a fairly complete list of F-14 squadrons and their histories. It should be noted that some of the F-14 squadrons now fly the F/A-18 as well as other combat aircraft.
Chavez Uses the Very Free Speech to Criticize Bush That He Denies to His Own People
Ironic that he criticized Bush on a free speech platform that he denies to his own people. He ought to allow that kind of speech at home against him, as he is not as universally loved by his people as some would have you believe.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Churches Set on Fire, Nun Murdered by Uneducated Dolts Professing to Belong to Islam: Divine Retribution Awaits Them, Not Virgins in Paradise
Seven churches have been damaged or destroyed by firebombs. Also, an elderly Roman Catholic num was gunned down in a childrens' hospital in Somalia in apparent revenge for Pope Benedict XVI's remark about force-conversion of the unwilling being evil. She was shot three times in the back and died in an operating room a short time later.
So what did the nun do wrong that made her a victim of Somali gunmen in a hospital? What earned her a death penalty from Muslim extremists?
Not a thing, except that she was a Catholic and she was a convenient target.
Islam, Judism and Christianity all share some core beliefs found in the Old Testament. Among those are a strict prohibition against the murder of innocents. Yet these dunderheads persist in slaughtering innocent people under the banner of a religion that says their actions are "un-Islamic." They bring shame to their entire religion and add to the misunderstanding and distrust about Islam that already exists in the West.
Some of their senior clerics were on the radio yesterday, calling the murder of the nun a vile act from those who profane Islam with their ill-considered actions.
Someone needs to tell her killers that the only one going to heaven out of that situation will be the nun, who was killed while caring for the sick and injured in that hospital, and forgave her killers with her dying words.
No virgins await the killers in paradise. All that awaits them is God, who abhors the murder of innocents and has already welcomed Sister Leonella into heaven.
Crocodile Hunter Remembered: Steve Irwin's Life Celebrated in Memorial Service
Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, was remembered in a memorial service at the zoo that he co-owned and loved. Some 5,000 people were in attendance and the service was carried live around the world.
It was a celebration of Steve Irwin's life and comes two weeks after his fatal encounter with a stingray, which perceived his presence as a threat and rammed it's tail barb into his chest, killing the popular conservationist and TV star.
It was a very nice service.
May he rest in peace.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Muslim Reaction to Pope's Words are Confusing: Are They Defending Spreading Their Religion Through the Sword and Proving the Pope's Point for Him?
The pope was making the point that religious teachings that call for forced conversions to any religion were and are evil. So he was also criticizing Christianity too, but the Muslims seem to be ignoring that fact.
No apology from the Pope is warranted.
On a related topic, I see the Jewish population around the world hasn't held violent street protests over the publication of Holocaust cartoons in Iran and Europe. They haven't burned down any embassies or murdered bystanders in those countries.
Oh, right. The Jews don't do that. The extremist Muslims do.
Strange how some members of a so-called "religion of peace" throw it straight into the garbage can whenever it suits them, whether it's over a publication of a cartoon of Mohammed, or the Roman Catholic Pontiff pointing out that any religion that resorts to violence to convert the unwilling is worthy of that same garbage can.
When will the extremist Muslim double-standards stop? And how many embassies are they going to burn this time with their (barely) adolescent behavior? How many (of their own) people will pay the ultimate price when they're killed in the streets to satisfy their religious blood-lust?
Monday, September 11, 2006
September 11th Observed: We Will Never Forget the Heroes of 9/11
Patriot Day went off without a hitch, as millions from around the world paused to remember the horrifying events of September 11th, 2001, and to remember the names of the lost.
May they rest in peace.
Friday, September 08, 2006
9/11 Video of South Tower Collapse: Video Debunks "Building Brought Down by Explosives" Argument
This video seems to debunk the 9/11 conspiracy theorists that the building was brought down by demolition charges. It is clearly a structural failure.
What I found amazing was that the floors on the top part of the building were pancaking the same way as the floors that were at the line of collapse as the whole thing caved in under its own weight. This was all going on simutaneously.
Pay particular attention to the hole in the concrete slab on the corner of the building as it twisted in on itself.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Withdrawing From Iraq Immediately Won't Change the World Situation One Bit: Americans Will Continue to Die
To illustrate that point, let's take a look at how many Americans have died and been maimed since the jihaddis declared war on us before we realized we were in a war. I've also included figures for the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.
1993 World Trade Center Bombing---------6 dead, >1,000 wounded
1/25/93 Shooting at CIA HQ------------------2 dead, 3 wounded
1998 Embassy Bombings--------------------12 dead, unknown number of wounded
Khobar Tower Bombings--------------------19 dead, 24 wounded
2000 USS Cole Bombing--------------------17 dead, 39 wounded
9/11 Terror Attacks------------------------2,902 dead, >10,000 wounded/sick
Afghan War*----------------------------------329 dead, 893 wounded
Iraq War*------------------------------------2,974 dead, >19,773 wounded
*As of 9/5/06
6, 261 dead Americans
>31,732 wounded Americans
All of this due to the jihaddis deciding to murder people to protest U.S. foreign policy decisions.
They won't stop once the war in Iraq is over. They've already been killing Americans for over ten years...both here and over there, and before we went after Iraq and Afghanistan. And the number would be worse if we included all the 1980's hijackings of airliners, passenger ferries and bombings, such as the 1986 Berlin nightclub bombing and Pan-Am Flight 103.
A pullout from Iraq now would simply be a signal to the terrorists that the old target was taken down and a new one put up in it's place.
Honestly, how long after a pull-out would it be before an Iraq War jihaddi walked into a New York cafe with an explosive belt and blew himself to hell and brought the war to our streets? It would only take one incident like that to prove that the "fight terrorism over there to keep it from coming over here" crowd was right. ONE.
As much pain as the Iraq War has caused here, we can't leave until the Iraqi government is strong enough to stand alone and rely on it's own resources to secure itself.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
More Election Year Politics: Immigration Reform Set Aside By GOP Despite Major Problems Across the Border in Mexico
This decision may come back and bite them hard.
Mexico's Supreme Court upheld the election results this morning, but Mr. Obrador has vowed to disregard the decision if it didn't go his way.
He's also said that he would form a rival government and attempt to run Mexico, while disrupting the legitimate leadership of Mr. Caulderon. This can only go so far. With President Fox vowing to install the winner by any means necessary, this escalates the possibility of violence.
The GOP is trying to focus attention on their political strengths in order to reinforce their election campaigns, but securing the border will quickly become a national security issue if Mexico erupts in violence. This is not a problem that they should sweep under the carpet. Immigration reform includes securing the border, which is also a national security matter, but they're choosing to ignore it because it doesn't help them win their elections.
People will start to come across the border in force if violence does begin in earnest and our immigration problem will be ten times worse in very short order. And in a worse-case scenario, Mexicans already living here take up arms against other Mexicans living here who support the opposite side.
We don't need this. Like I said before, Mexico's problems have to stay south of the Rio Grande.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Mexican Election Court Set to Make Final Ruling Tuesday: Leftist Challenger Vows to Form Second Government, Setting Stage For Civil War
It is widely believed that it will choose to affirm the results of the election. But the challenger has vowed not to accept such a decision, claiming that he will form a new government in Mexico City, attempt to collect taxes, and to put the winner of the election, Felipe Calderon, "under seige."
Protests have already turned violent, with police using clubs and tear gas to break up a small protest after the protesters began throwing rocks at them. This is merely a sign of things to come if the court affirms the election results.
Outgoing President Fox has vowed to make sure that the winner is installed as Mexico's sole leader, whether it's Calderon or his opponent, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. This is going to get a lot worse real quick.
TV's "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin Dies: Severe Injury From Stingray Kills TV Star
Well-known Austrailian "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin died early today from a severe injury caused from a stingray stabbing him in the chest.
It happened as Irwin was scuba diving and swam over the top of the stingray. It reacted and one of the fish's tail barbs hit him hard, going through his chest and into his heart.
Fans and detractors alike are in shock. He was 44 and leaves his wife and two children behind.
Many questioned his wisdom over doing the kind of stunts that he did, but over time he just seemed to anticipate every possible behavior displayed by the creatures he stalked. His reaction time was nothing short of astonishing. He didn't die facing a crocodile on land. He was hurt underwater, where his speed and reaction time were neutralized and the advantage belonged to the creatures of that underwater realm.
I still think his decision to hold his baby while feeding one of his crocodiles a couple of years ago was a very bad mistake and it harmed his public image. I referred to him as an idiot at the time. But the work he has done since then in the area of crocodile research aided the scientific community and his popularity rebounded after a while. His documentaries are facinating.
His legacy will endure through his research.
His death is being described as a "freakish" accident, but that's a demeaning way to describe how a man died. May he Rest in Peace.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Mexican Democracy Under Fire: Mob Rule Reigns in Halls of Mexican Government
Opposition members of the Mexican Congress physically took control of the floor of their chamber, preventing President Fox from delivering his final State of the State address. The protesting members are supporting leftist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's challenge of the July 2nd presidential election which he lost by a slim margin.
Huge street protests have been taking place, and though no one has said it openly, Mexico is headed toward a civil war. That's my opinion. Now is the time to reinforce our border with Mexico as Mexican problems need to stay south of the Rio Grande. We don't need their political problems to spill over our border.
Democrats Haven't Articulated What Their Party's Alternatives to GOP Plans Are: They Can't Replace Something With Nothing and Expect to Win Election
So far they are sitting back and enjoying making the GOP squirm as early polls point to voter dissatisfaction with the GOP-controlled House, which is dominated by "moderate" (aka closet liberal) Republicans.
Does anyone remember the "Anyone but Bush" mantra employed by the Democrats during the 2004 Presidential campaign? They used this to draw attention away from Kerry's terrible record of being on both sides of an issue and flip-flopping like a fish out of water during the campaign itself; Kerry's unwillingness to take a side on specific issues didn't help them either.
There's no doubt that the Republicans will definitely lose some seats in the House, but how many? Pundits have already awarded control of the House to the Democrats, but it isn't over until the fat lady sings. And she isn't singing until Election Day is over.
If the Dems rely too much on voter dissatisfaction alone to win the day, they may not have things go their way. Voters want to hear what candidates stand for. And they want to cast their vote based on those views. The Republicans are speaking loud and clear, but the Democrats aren't.
They're using a failed tactic again, hoping that voters will put them back in charge of the government BEFORE they put their platform together.
Casting a blind vote like that is not an option. People need to think before they vote.
No Word on Damage to Wake Island from Super-Typhoon
The U.S. Navy and Air Force are sending units to assess the damage to the island and to see if the waters have receded.
Should be interesting to see.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Wake Island About to Be Clobbered By Super Typhoon: Island Completely Evacuated
Super Typhoon Ioke is continuing on it's westerly course in the Pacific Ocean and is expected to completely submerge Wake Island under the storm surge, which is expected to be 18 feet high. The island itself rests 8 feet above sea level. Wave heights are expected to be in excess of 40 feet. As a result, the U.S. Air Force completely evacuated the island of it's 200 workers and as much equipment as they could in two C-17 Globemaster III's.
They're saying that everything not made of concrete on the island will be utterly destroyed as this is the most powerful Pacific hurricane ever recorded. It's a stark reminder of the power of these storms and what they can do to man-made structures as well as the natural environment.
If Hurricane Katrina had been as powerful as this super-typhoon is, the damage sustained by our Gulf Coast would have been much more extreme than it was. The storm surge and giant waves would have pushed right over the top of the levees. They would have been the equivilent of speed bumps for the monster waves. And the breaches would have been bigger, too.
As bad as Katrina was, it could have been much, much worse.
Monday, August 28, 2006
No Justice for JonBenet Yet: Self-Confessed "Killer" Had Nothing to Do With It and DA Drops Charges
The self-confessed "killer" John Mark Karr was nothing of the sort; he's an attention-seeker who greatly enjoyed his time in the limelight and used JonBenet's death to get exactly what he wanted.
The DNA didn't match, so the entire "case" came apart. It should be noted that the police had an obligation to bring this man home to investigate whether Karr did what he said he did, and they did precisely that. The prosecuting attorney looked at the results of DNA testing and confirmed what Karr's family was saying, and dismissed the charges against him.
The press ought to be ashamed of itself on how it handled this entire mess. Splashing this man's face all over creation; recording every movement Karr made and moving it to the top news story position under the screaming caption "BREAKING NEWS." This was a total media-driven fiasco.
How many copycats are going to follow Karr's example now? And how much law enforcement time and effort will be wasted in sorting out the liars from the real criminals? Whatever follows, the blame will belong exclusively to the media.
Friday, August 25, 2006
More Contradictions in Global Warming Debate
The global warming people don't know what's going on any more than the rest of us. One theory is just as good as the next.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
International Moratorium on Cluster Bomb Use is Needed: Civilians Pay TOO High a Price Long After Conflict Ends
Cluster bombs have again been in the news since it was learned that Washington was looking into the Israeli use of American-built cluster bombs on civilian areas in southern Lebanon. It was understood that these weapons were to be used against defined military targets and invading Arab armies.
Hundreds of American cluster bomblets have been spotted littering the southern Lebanese ground; three Lebanese soldiers died last week while disarming an unexploded shell. One Israeli soldier died while removing a mine that was planted by his army the same day. And civilians are dying, too.
A cluster bomb works by bursting in the air above a target and scattering hundreds of bomblets over a wide area. The bomblets fall on and around the target and explode. The results are devastating.
The weapons have become very controversial since up to 30% of the bomblets don't explode on contact, it turns them into deadly landmines where they impact. Cluster bombs were extensively used against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq, and the after-effects are continuing to take a toll on civilians, soldiers and especially children who pick up the bomblets, thinking they're toys.
There needs to be an international moratorium on producing and using these weapons. In their current form, they endanger more civilians over the long haul than they do enemy soldiers.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Syria Doesn't Want U.N. Peacekeepers in Lebanon Watching for Syrian Aggression Against Lebanon or Israel: That's Why They're Objecting to U.N. Plan
The real reason Syria doesn't want the peacekeepers keeping watch is that they are in the process of defying the cease-fire and re-arming Hezbollah. Syria doesn't want their illegal arms shipments to Hezbollah to be intercepted or observed by the U.N. This is more than enough reason to station the peacekeepers along the Lebanese border with Syria. It's the only way to make sure that Syria stays out of Lebanon's internal affairs.
By all means, station the peacekeepers there, and let's see what the Syrians are REALLY up to.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Whole Lot of Nothing from Iran on 8/22/06--No Nuke Compromise; Cease Fire Holds; No Israel-Iran Conflict
Iran made no decision on the nuclear incentive package offered by the West, but said it was willing to "enter serious negotiations."
Sounds like another stall tactic from Iran.
Self-Confessed Child Killer is Getting Too Much Press: Media Rewards Karr By Giving Him the Attention He Craves
They're going to all look ridiculous if it turns out he's simply an attention craving lunatic who confessed to the killing of JonBenet Ramsey simply to get his fifteen minutes of fame. Thanks to the media circus, it's become much worse than the circuses surrounding the OJ Simpson case, the Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding skating fiasco, the Michael Jackson trial, and about two dozen lesser cases.
If it turns out he did kill JonBenet, then the media has simply splashed the face of a child killer into millions of homes around the world, repeatedly, 24 hours a day.
The media ought to take a breath, step back, and examine what they're doing by having their cameras trained on this individual, who is a liar at best and a murder and rapist of children at worst.
It's going to inspire copycats to confess to other crimes that they didn't commit, just to get their faces on TV and their names in the newspapers, and it's going to waste law enforcement resources and time to sort it all out.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
"Nobody Died When Clinton Lied" Slogan: Selective Memory at It's Best
People forget that Clinton ordered Tomahawk cruise missile strikes against Afghanistan and Sudan on August 20, 1998, to distract the American public from his Monica Lewinsky scandal following his testimony to a Grand Jury three days before and a few weeks before the Starr Report was submitted to Congress for consideration.
This, from a President who was reluctant to arrest or take a shot at bin-Laden when American authorities knew where he was and could have taken him off the street years before 9/11...and then all of a sudden he gets the nerve to strike at the al-Qaeda leader, his bases of operation and...some kind of milk and drug plant in Sudan. It was a weak response to the destruction of two U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania from terrorist bombs three weeks prior.
"Nobody Died When Clinton Lied" indeed.
They still aren't sure how many of the thirty killed in Afghanistan were al-Qaeda/Taliban supporters and how many were innocent civilians.
Now if someone wants to compare body counts between the Clinton and Bush administrations, that's a different story altogether, but it's not germaine to the bumper sticker discussion.
August 22nd and the Middle East: Will Iran Attack Israel On or About This Day?
August 22, 2006, is referred to in the Islamic calendar as the "Night of the Shia'a and Miira'aj", when the Prophet Mohammed ascended to Heaven from the Asqa Mosque in Jerusalem, and that a great light was seen in the skies over Jerusalem as he visited Heaven and Hell before returning to Mecca.
It also happens to be the specific date that the Islamic government of Iran chose to reply to the Western incentive package to end it's nuclear weapons program. The West had originally wanted a response by June 29th, but the Iranians chose August 22nd. Why not September 1st, or July 20th or June 30th?
Frontpage Magazine is suggesting a "nuclear attack or a full-scale assault on Israel" due to the Iranian President's threats against Israel. One of the people it interviewed for the story, one Farid Ghadry of the Syrian Reform Party, said that "Ahmadinejad is planning an illumination of the night sky over Jerusalem to rival the one that greeted the Prophet of Islam on his journey."
It sounds like a stretch to me, but the Iranian President is clearly nuts, and with Israel's "not-victory" against Hezbollah, he may well try something this week. Iran just happened to kick off a major wargames exercise yesterday.
Israel will turn Iran into a parking lot if it does launch an all-out assault. I do not think that Israel will even bother using conventional forces to stop Iranian missile launches or airstrikes. They'll eliminate Iran as a threat through other means, regardless of the consequences.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Israel Didn't Violate the Cease-Fire: Iran and Syria Did By Smuggling Arms to Hezbollah in Violation of U.N. Resolution 1701
This is just more proof that the U.N. passes resolutions that it doesn't enforce. There is an arms embargo against Hezbollah in the same resolution (1701) that the U.N. says Israel broke. Yet Iran and Syria continue to ship arms to Hezbollah, which led Israel to support of resolution 1701. It's Hezbollah and it's benefactors who are violating the resolution.
The Security Council has no business passing resolutions it has no intention of enforcing. This "cease-fire" doesn't have much time left to it.
Reason for French Reduction of Troops in U.N. Force is Obvious: Syria Threatened Them and Paris Knuckled Under
Syria threatened to turn Hezbollah loose on the French peacekeepers in a repeat of the 1983 Hezbollah suicide attack on French and American forces, in which fifty-eight French soldiers and 241 American Marines died.
France caved in.
Friday, August 18, 2006
U.S. and Israeli Armor is in Trouble: Russian Anti-Tank Missiles Can Destroy M1 and Merkava Tanks
All versions of the U.S. M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams main battle tank and the next generation Israeli Merkava main battle tank have proven vulnerable to the anti-tank missile. It uses a "tandem" warhead, or a warhead that explodes twice.
The first part of the warhead is designed to take out a tank's "reactive" armor (explosive packs or bricks which explode outwards to blunt the impact of the missile and keep the tank operational.) Both the U.S. Army and the Israeli Army use reactive armor on their main battle tanks.
Then the second part of the warhead hits the tank itself and penetrates, exploding on the inside. Israel lost four Merkava tanks and at least 26 other Merkavas were badly damaged by the Russian anti-tank missiles (which were originally sent to Syria by the Russian Federation and then transferred to Hezbollah). Israel captured a number of the weapons plus the Russian-made RPG-29 (which also happens to have a tandem warhead) and has filed a protest with the Russians over the illegal transfer of arms.
The number of tank crews injured or killed was very high and made up a significant percentage of the Israeli military killed/wounded.
U.S. forces are encountering the weapons in Iraq as well with devastating results: tanks that ate multiple RPGs and kept on fighting during the invasion of Iraq and in the months afterward can be severely damaged or destroyed by a single Metis-M hit today.
When the U.S. makes an arms deal, there's a "no transfer" clause in the contract; do the Russians do the same thing? If Russia's against terrorism, one would think they would be demanding explanations from the Syrians on why their most advanced weapons systems ended up in the hands of terrorists.
In any case, the U.S. and Israeli defense communities are working on a fix to the problem. Hopefully it's an easy solution and they make haste.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Americans Who Supported Hezbollah Over Israel During War are Traitors: What Other Explanation is There?
I have a major problem with Americans who sided openly with Hezbollah against Israel during the recent fighting. Those people chose to side with terrorists over a democracy. One common thread (especially in the media) in their supporting of Hezbollah was their pointing out all of the good works that Hezbollah does where they have a presence.
Good works, eh?
They were blindly firing lethal weapons into northern Israel and murdering people. At the same time, they placed their rocket launchers right next to peoples' houses (the very same people that Hezbollah was "helping") to insure that any Israeli retaliation would destroy the houses and whomever was inside them. Good works, indeed.
More than one Israeli military video showed the Israeli bombs hitting the launcher, then the rockets inside the launcher went off and struck nearby houses, causing the actual damage to the structures. But Israel ended up taking the blame, despite what their videos showed. Hezbollah's PR people did an amazing spin job on the entire war.
I disagreed with Israel's widespread attack on Lebanon and thought it was excessive. But I wanted Israel to destroy Hezbollah, regardless of the fate of their missing soldiers. Many others felt this way too.
But for Americans to support a terrorist organization against a democracy is revolting. And particularly since that particular terror group murdered 241 United States Marines as they were resting in their barracks in Beruit as part of a U.N. peacekeeping force in 1983. Hezbollah has American blood on their hands, and our own people would side with them against Israel?
Americans who support Hezbollah are traitors to their own country.
UN Cease-Fire Can't Hold: It Simply Has Too Many Fatal Flaws Built Into It By the Feuding Security Council
France and Lebanon are trembling at the very idea of disarming Hezbollah. And now Israel is saying it won't leave Lebanon until it is relieved by the U.N. force. And the U.N. is saying it may be weeks or months before they get their force in. Things are moving too slowly.
The only thing robust about this de-fanged U.N. force will be how fast they scuttle their butts out of town after the cease-fire collapses and the shooting begins again. And the U.N. Secretary General has the unmitigated gall to insist that Israel not respond to further Hezbollah rocket strikes? That's like telling an angry boxer not to hit back when the bell rings for the next round. Mr. Annan has yet to get the Hezbollah boxer out of the ring.
For all the good that they're going to do, perhaps the Lebanese Army should redeploy back to where they were. They run the risk of getting royally creamed by Israel if they are mixed amongst the Hezbollah militias once fighting resumes.
This cease-fire has about a snowball's chance in hell of holding. The only way to stave off disaster is for the U.N. force and the Lebanese to show some initiative and start taking away Hezbollah's weapons as the U.N. Security Council has already directed.
More U.N. hypocricy, passing resolutions that they have no intention of enforcing.