Monday, December 19, 2016

Electoral College Does It’s Duty: Donald Trump is the 45th President

The campaign to stop Trump at the Electoral College utterly failed, as anticipated, and Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.

This kind of campaign should never be attempted again, by activists on either side.  The Constitutional quagmire that would result if the College was disrupted cannot be allowed to happen, under any circumstances.

The effort was an attack on the Constitution itself, by desperate people who seem to want to feed parts of the Constitution into a shredder, without any thought of what would happen afterwards.

Yes, the election would go into the House of Representatives, and the majority party would almost certainly vote for their candidate, but why do that?  We have a system that works without getting the do-nothing Congress involved.

Hey, I didn’t like the College very much either, when they voted for Barack Obama twice and for Bill Clinton twice.  But they did their duty, which is something that is very necessary to the health of our electoral system, no matter who is elected. 

The Constitution must prevail.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Intel Briefing for Electoral College Electors is Unnecessary and Possibly Unconstitutional: They’re There to Do a Job and Vote For Whichever Candidate Won Their State

I am opposed to having the Electoral College receive any kind of intelligence briefing.  They’re simply there to vote for whichever candidate won their state, and nothing else.

I find it distasteful that nearly all the electors demanding a briefing are Democratic electors and won’t be voting for Donald Trump anyways.  They’re from states that Hillary Clinton won and who they’re supposed to vote for.

Only one Republican has joined in the call for a briefing, which is not enough to sway the Electoral College vote.

Electors refusing to do their duty to the Constitution and their respective states should be replaced by their home states that they’re at the Electoral College to represent.  The various state laws as they pertain to electors are available for download here through the National Association of Secretaries of State web site as a PDF.
I’m going to add that it’s highly hypocritical that the Democrats who were screaming about the Electoral College before the general election are now making all this noise about using the Electoral College to stop Trump from taking office.  Get over it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Rex Tillerson Will Be Trump’s Nominee for Secretary of State: Senate Needs to Block This Nomination

Donald Trump confirmed that Rex Tillerson will be his choice as the new Secretary of State.

This is a mistake, and I hope that the Senate blocks the nomination.  He’s not qualified for the reasons stated in an earlier post. 

Russia and China will run in circles around him, no matter how much they say they like him.   I’m sure they’ll be nice to him at first, but when the new President comes into conflict with Putin or with the Chinese government (and he will), they won’t pull any punches.

I dislike this nominee as much as I disliked Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, and that’s saying something.  His name was well-known to me prior to President-elect Trump putting him under consideration for the Secretary of State position.

The more I read about his activism (not only with the BSA, but elsewhere too), the more opposed I get to the idea of this nominee making it through the confirmation process.

Did Trump really do his homework on this nominee?

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Those Protesting “Star Wars: Rogue One” As Being Anti-Trump Are Not Well-Read: They Ought to Spend a Few Weekends Reading Some Books

I’m really finding it amusing that some Trump fans are threatening to boycott the new “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” movie hitting theaters on Friday as they’re claiming some of the reshoots establish the Empire as a racist outfit with a Trump-like figure having a prominent role in the construction of the Death Star.

They obviously haven’t read any of the Star Wars Expanded Universe books.  Unfortunately for them, I have.  This is going to be a fun entry.  For me.

It’s pretty clearly established in multiple books that the Galactic Empire in the Star Wars Expanded Universe WAS a “humans only” organization. 

The Emperor’s circle of advisors was entirely human, the stormtroopers and clonetroopers were all human, and they enslaved races such as the Wookies and the Bothans.  You don’t see aliens in Imperial service in any of the seven Star Wars movies so far, but tons of them in Rebel/Resistance service. 

Here are the Emperor’s Advisors posing on the Death Star II set:

Nice hats.  Crabby looking bunch.

The only alien in Emperor Palpatine’s Imperial command structure in the Expanded Universe was Grand Admiral Thrawn, a blue-skinned, red eyed Chiss who the Emperor liked because of his proven military genius and his dedication to the Empire.  He was featured in the “Heir to the Empire” series and is currently appearing on “Star Wars Rebels.”

Grand Admiral Thrawn as he appears in “Star Wars Rebels.”

In contrast, the Rebel Alliance had many alien species in it, from Mon Calamari to Wookies to Bothans to dozens of other sentient species.

Admiral Ackbar, Commander-in-Chief of the Rebel fleet, in “Return of the Jedi.”

True science fiction fans take these things in stride, but political hacks interpret a humans-only Empire (that has been established over dozens of books and long before Trump entered politics) as an anti-Trump thing. 

Sorry, boycott participants, but enjoy your weekend at home.  I’m planning on seeing it once in our little theater in town, and then once in a larger theater within a week or two, and I’ll plan on not having to share any theater space with the likes of you.

Couple of questions:

Have you even considered that your boycott may be base on fake news?

And you’re not the same group that boycotted “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” because there was a black stormtrooper, are you? 

One note: the Expanded Universe was scrapped by Disney as they’re re-writing Star Wars canon.  They did pull Grand Admiral Thrawn over from the scrapped EU, and some other interesting characters and ideas, but it remains to be seen as to what else Disney’s going to do as they expand the Star Wars franchise.  They may not carry over the “humans only” part of the Empire into the new stories.  It is what it is, and what it will be, and I’m fine with it.

ExxonMobile’s CEO to Be Secretary of State? This May Not Be a Good Idea: The Chief Diplomat of the United States Should Have Some Diplomatic Experience

I’m not sure if this is accurate, but NBC is reporting that Rex Tillerson, the CEO of ExxonMobile, is expected to be nominated by President-elect Trump to be his Secretary of State.

I’m opposed to this idea, and only for the fact that Mr. Tillerson has not held a government office or position before, and has no diplomatic experience.  The Secretary of State is fourth in line of succession to the President, and is the chief diplomat of the United States.  

The international situation is very complex, and requires someone who has an idea of how to deal with the EU/Brexit situation, the ISIS situation, the Middle East troubles, Iran, piracy on the high seas, the China/Taiwan situation, international terrorism, and a whole myriad of other entanglements.
Russia’s and China’s foreign ministers will be challenging enough for an experienced American diplomat, but putting someone with no diplomatic experience up against them is not an appealing idea.  

I think the U.S. and Russia will engage in a conventional war over Syria, or at least a limited battle (probably a clash between the U.S. and Russian air forces), and it will take a skilled American diplomat to lower tensions.  Negotiating a gas contract is not the same as negotiating a cease-fire between nations at war.

I hope this story is wrong and the President-elect is going in a different direction with his choice for Secretary of State.

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

As Anticipated, Trump Calls Air Force One a Step Down From His Own Aircraft; Calls on Boeing to Cancel Air Force One Order Over Potential Costs

I saw this one coming.

Trump doesn’t like the idea of flying in Air Force One, with all of its advanced communications and on-board defense technology and considers it a step-down.

It’s easy to see why:


The above photo is one section of Air Force One.  That’s pretty much the motif throughout the aircraft in terms of design and comfort.

The photo below is a shot from Trump One, or whatever he’s calling his personal aircraft.   It’s gorgeous.     


The President-elect fired off a Tweet yesterday citing the potential $4 billion development cost for a new-generation Air Force One currently under design over at Boeing and calling for the order to be canceled.   That caused a stir.

Just wait until then-President Trump has to fly aboard a no-bells-or-whistles Air Force transport into a conflict zone.  The Air Force may get some nice upgrades afterwards.

In any case, I don’t like the idea of putting military tech onto a civilian aircraft.  He should bite the bullet, and get used to flying on Air Force One.  

The development cost should be looked at.   Is it better to upgrade a 25 year old airframe, or buy a new one? 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

What’s the Media Doing, Pointing Out Giuliani Conflicts of Interest, While Sticking Their Head in the Sand When SecState/Clinton Foundation Problems Were Made Public? Hypocrites!

The media shouldn’t give Giuliani a hard time about conflict of interests; they didn’t even bat an eye when Clinton’s pay-to-play affair was going on with the Clinton Foundation and gave her a virtual pass during the campaign.  A few papers pointed out the problems, but most didn’t.

The press has no leg to stand on.  Attacking Giuliani for doing a good job for his company as a private citizen, while ignoring Clinton violations of the law that gets other public officials into serious trouble is among the worst kinds of journalism out there.  There are literally dozens of stories on lesser (than Secretary of State) public officials being shown the door because they broke the law.   Do a Google search on “conflict of interest resigns” and see what happens.  Hit the News tab.

The media’s ploy to get their candidate into the White House failed, and now they’re doing their best to disparage everybody who is being looked at for a possible position in the Trump  Administration.  Tabloid journalists.

Romney Would Do a Better Job as Administrator for the Small Business Administration or Postmaster General than as Secretary of State: Trump Needs Someone as SecState Who Has a Similar Worldview as He Does

I’m concerned about a possible Mitt Romney nomination as Secretary of State.   He and President-elect Trump do not share a similar worldview, which is vital for the President and Secretary of State to have.

The last thing we need is a SecState making deals overseas and then having President Trump override him, which would severely undermine Romney’s credibility.  That’s the very last thing we need after all the damage that Clinton and Kerry did during their times as Secretary of State.

I think Romney would be better in the Small Business Administration or even as Postmaster General.

Rudy Giuliani seems to share a similar worldview and could represent President-elect Trump very efficiently.  

As far as Giuliani’s conflict of interests goes, the media seems to be overlooking the fact that his overseas deals were as a private citizen on behalf of his company, not as any kind of a government official.  There can be no talk of conflict of interest at this stage of the game because the conditions for it to exist didn’t.  The media’s putting the wagon before the horse.   

The Secretary of State is required to comply with conflict-of-interest laws and he would have to separate from his business interests, unlike the President.  I think he’d put  his business affairs in order before taking office, if President-elect Trump chose him and he agreed to do it.

A decision should be made soon.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Castro’s Finally Gone? Too Bad His Entire Government Didn’t Go With Him

Castro’s finally gone?  Meh. 

Nothing’s changed for the everyday Cuban.  His government is still in place with his brother running things.  It’s too soon to tell if the passing of Fidel Castro is a turning point, or a moot point for Cuba.

We’ll see what the Cubans do next.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Electoral College is the Whipping Boy of the Left Again: Founders Knew What They Were Doing When They Wrote It Into the Constitution

There’s been a lot of talk about blocking the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College, but it will not happen.  And it shouldn’t.   The Founders knew what they were doing when they designed it.  First, let’s look at a map of the United States as it is today:


The blue-shaded areas are the counties where fully half of the population of the United States lives.   There are roughly 3,000 counties in the U.S. and half the population lives in 146 of them.  Everybody else lives in the remaining 2,854 counties across the country. 

If it was pure democracy as some have suggested, and the Electoral College was no more, the 146 counties above would dominate American politics and elections, leaving the remaining 2,854 counties in the dust and potentially voiceless.  I don’t want to be disrespectful to anyone in these 146 counties, but those are typically Democratic strongholds.

The Founders were so concerned that smaller states would be dominated by bigger ones that they created two houses of Congress: one based on population and one based on equal representation.  They also made the population-based house the “lower” house while the two-per-state Senate is the “upper” house.

I do not live in one of the blue-shaded counties, nor would I want to.  But I do want an equal say in who represents me in Congress, and in the White House.  The Electoral College guarantees it.

Currently we have a part of our population so concerned that President-elect Trump will destroy the country that they’ve taken it upon themselves to destroy the country themselves.  I find it very interesting that the majority of the riots are in the larger blue-shaded areas.  Some aren’t, but many of them are.

Compare the 146 county map with the map where the riots and protests are taking place:



Credit for riot map: Fox News

I’ll take the Electoral College over mob rule every time, thank you very much.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Liberals Should Quit the “Petulant Child” Routine, Act Their Age and Help Fix This Country’s Problems: Saving America By Burning Parts of It Down That You Don’t Like Isn’t the Way!

------NOTE: this applies to the protesters out in the streets, not the people who woke up the next day, went to work and carried on with their lives like normal people do.-----

It’s funny how hypocritical the Dems and Libs street-protesting Donald Trump’s victory are. 

They condemn hate groups and “alt-right” (I had to look up the term as the liberal media has been going on and on about it) fringe elements, but it’s OK for them to go out and burn down buildings, riot, pull people with different skin colors out of their cars and screaming “YOU VOTED FOR TRUMP!” and savagely beating them.  

They should really stop with the “petulant child” routine, act their age and help fix the problem, not contribute to it and then throw blame on everybody else, or the Electoral College, or whatever the scapegoat of the day happens to be.

The ones moaning and bellyaching on Facebook and issuing death threats to this person and that person really need to be locked up for a while, including this fool, although he’s already paid a steep price. 

Street protesters from either side need to practice restraint and respect their fellow Americans.  And take the time to VOTE, not sit home and expect your side to win when not enough voters turn out.

Hate groups can go crawl back under their rotten logs and stay there.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Trump Wins, But He’s Got a Lot to Prove: He Needs to Start by Acting Presidential

Hillary Clinton lost her second bid to become President, and I’m grateful for that.   She can get back to making $100,000 a speech on the lecture circuit. 

But Donald Trump as the next President will be a challenge in itself.  Since he’s been on both sides of just about every issue, I’m more than a little concerned about his positions.  Let’s get out and say it…he’s not an experienced politician.  He’s an entertainer.  I’d feel better if he had at least one other elected position under his belt, like Ronald Reagan did.  Reagan was an actor, but he had been governor of California (twice) before taking office as President in 1981. 

As Trump’s real positions develop, my support or opposition will develop accordingly.

I am enjoying how much the press is wailing and how bad the pollsters look after royally screwing up their numbers.   This isn’t the first time that the polls got it wrong.   Some people are squirming and I’m enjoying every moment of it.

Trump needs to hire some wise and experienced advisors and listen to what they’re telling him.   And he needs to make nice with the other 48% that didn’t support him.  He also needs to limit his Twitter time and stop feuding with people.   It’s un-presidential to do that kind of stuff and we really need him to be presidential.

Monday, November 07, 2016

It’s Become Clear That the American Voter Will Have to Deliver the Justice That the FBI Won’t or Can’t: Vote Your Conscience, America

I do believe that the FBI Director has been overthrown, possibly from within his own agency in a worst-case scenario, or by the Department of Justice, which has become a personal shield for Democratic Presidents and their appointees.  He was trying to do the right thing and appeared to backtrack when he said that there was nothing new in the emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer.  I think he will be sacked before President Obama leaves office.

I’m also wondering where the number 600,000 came from with references to the number of emails found on he-who-will-not-be-named from this point forward’s laptop.   Was that his own personal emails mixed in with the Clinton emails, or were these 600,000+ emails from the Clinton campaign?  That’s pretty unclear.  In their prior statements, the FBI referenced some 33,000 emails that they were looking at from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, plus an unknown(?) number of emails that were deleted. 

Now, since the FBI isn’t going to move forward on delivering justice in this case, the American voter has the opportunity to do the same thing tomorrow.  Do not elect Hillary Clinton.  There are plenty of other candidates who aren’t criminals who would do a acceptable job as President, whether they have an (R) after their name, or an (I).  Whether they would be able to get anything done with a deeply polarized Congress is an open question, but they’d be confronting the same issues as a Clinton or Trump Administration.

We will see what happens, but all I’m going to say is this: vote your conscience, America.    I’ll have a lot to say about the celebrities who have vowed to leave this country if Trump wins. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

No Clowns Got Shot on Halloween: A Bit of Rationality Takes Hold in Crazy Times

There have been no reports of any costumed clowns getting shot by armed parents over Halloween, but several incidents from before Halloween remain under investigation.

Hopefully this is the end of this particular phenomenon. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trouble-Making Clowns, Beware: People Aren’t Acting Rationally and May Be Armed on Halloween..Do Us All a Favor and Stay Home

I am predicting that nationally, at least two costume-wearing clowns will be shot and killed on Halloween by people who will be very quick on the trigger.

Some people are using the fear inspired by horror movies involving killer clowns to dress up and scare the living daylights out of other people.  It isn’t funny.  There are tons of videos on YouTube of various pranks, with clowns jumping out of bushes, brandishing weapons, laughing crazily and chasing their frightened victims down the streets.  This has been going on for a while, but it really picked up this year on social media.

People are not acting rationally—both the clowns and the victims are prone to miscalculate and someone may die.   It’s not just a U.S. thing either—it’s going on internationally too.  I just watched a video of a man going berserk after being ambushed by a clown in broad daylight and breaking a bottle over the clown’s head in London.  If someone tells you to “wait here!”, RUN!!

Everyone needs to settle down and think about what’s happening.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Trump Suckered Everyone Again With Comments on Accepting Results of Election: This is a Ploy to Generate Media Attention

Politician after politician and media outlets have piled onto Donald Trump’s comments that he will only accept the results if he wins the election.

Trump is an entertainer and he knows how to entertain people.  In that area, he’s a genius and no one in the entertainment industry can match him for the publicity he can generate, almost at the drop of a hat.  Politicians and the media (who are supposed to be experts on entertainment reporting) have played right into it.

I think he’ll challenge only if something looks fishy, or if Hillary’s campaign sues first.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Anybody But Trump, Glenn Beck? Darrell Castle, Then, Not Hillary Clinton!

Glenn Beck seems to have started back up on his “Anybody but Trump” motif again and seems to be indicating that conservatives should vote for Hillary Clinton to stop Trump.

Bad move.

If conservatives don’t want to vote for Trump, then they should vote for the Constitution Party.  Darrell Castle is the candidate for the Constitution Party, which used to be called the U.S. Taxpayer Party.

He’s pro-life and pro-gun, which are big sellers for me.  He’s also in favor of the U.S. getting out of the United Nations, getting rid of the Federal Reserve (not sure about that move) and other conservative initiatives.

I’d rather see Beck supporting someone like Castle and drawing attention to his platform, rather than fall into the trap of “anyone but Trump.”

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Another Example of Global Warming Hubris and Their Settled Science: “All the Arctic Sea Ice Will Be Gone by September 2016!”

If global warming is “settled science,” then why do they keep getting stuff wrong? 

And their unwillingness to accept that the scientific method is the only sure way to properly vet out fact from fiction is playing out again.  How embarrassing for them.

In 2012, certain climate change scientists predicted that the Arctic would be entirely ice-free by September 2016.  Yet there’s currently 21% more ice than in 2012 when the prediction was made.  This prediction was flat-out wrong.

Any responsible and reputable scientist wouldn’t be as inflexible as this in their climate model predictions.  But because there’s a political aspect to the science now, and it’s “settled,” they can’t deviate from the global warming alarmist position, which is in itself flawed by the political narrative.

Climate change scientists need to be more independent and report on what they find, regardless of the established political narrative. 

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Russia Deploys Advanced Anti-Aircraft Missile Batteries to Syria: If a Single Shot is Taken at a U.S. Aircraft, U.S. Should Immediately Provide Stinger Missiles to Rebels Being Bombed By Russia and Syria

Russia continued its humiliation of the U.S. by deploying anti-aircraft missile systems in Syria to protect Syrian government facilities.


It’s time to give Stinger missiles to the rebels and train them as U.S. forces trained Afghan fighters in Afghanistan in the 1980s during the Soviet invasion.

Russia didn’t deploy those weapons to fight the ISIS Air Force.   They’re there to shoot down coalition aircraft, inbound cruise missiles and anything that goes against their stated support of Assad.

I think a limited war with Russia is possible, now that they’re engaged in a full-court press to humiliate the current Administration.  I think Russia will pull the trigger to make a point because they don’t think we’ll respond in kind.  We must.

Better to turn all of Syria’s airspace into a total no-fly zone than to allow Syria and Russia to keep bombing civilians with impunity.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Global Warming Alarmists Are Trumpeting Their Hot Air Again: CO2 Levels Hit 400ppm and They’re Saying That Levels Will “Never Return to Environmentally-Friendly Levels for the Indefinite Future”; Who Wrote This Piece of Crap?

The hubris is getting mighty deep over at Climate Central.

They’ve gone out on a limb with a sophomoric piece entitled “Enjoy Earth While It Lasts: Atmospheric Carbon Levels Reach Point of No Return.”  It looks like it was written by a high school English student who has just been handed a major science article and skipped to the last page without reading the rest of it.

First of all, legitimate scientists avoid absolutes like the plague, and this article is full of them.   The reason why is that if they’re using the scientific method, they realize that a hypothesis may have to be changed once the hypothesis is tested.

But global warming alarmists don’t use a recognizable version of the scientific method, and if research emerges that disproves their hypothesis (which they label “settled science”, the offending research is suppressed, the authors demonized and then marginalized. 

I also found it interesting that they mentioned a little tidbit near the end of this high school writing assignment that the Arctic “…hasn’t reached the 400ppm level in millions of years.”  What?  You mean it’s been above 400ppm before?  Why of course it has.   It’s been up to over 5,000ppm before.  And human industry wasn't around in those days either (during the Ordovician Era, some 440 million years ago).

They’ve also conveniently failed to define what “environmentally friendly” levels of CO2 are.

By all means, slow down the production of CO2 and quit destroying the rain forests, but don’t try shoveling this “ever” and “permanent” business down our throats.  There’s no such thing.

The planet doesn’t need saving.   It’s survived everything up to planetary impacts and is still here.   It’s our struggling civilization that needs saving, and the sooner global warming alarmists get with the program, the faster that can happen.

I’m not going to get worked up over the CO2 levels reaching the 400ppm -level.  The planet will take care of that too, and if we’re not careful, it’ll take care of us at the same time.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Airstrike Coordination with Russia on ISIS Targets in Syria is Not Practical Without U.S. & Russian Agreement on What Syrian Leadership Will Look Like After End of War: Without That Common Goal, Efforts to Jointly Fight ISIS Will Fail

Coordinated airstrikes with Russia in Syria against ISIS?  Not likely.  Russia will stab us in the back at the drop of a hat, and I’m not sure if the current U.S. leadership will have the backbone to do anything about it.

The problem will be in defining where ISIS is.  Russia thinks they’re in rebel-controlled areas who are actually rebelling against Syrian President Assad and also fighting ISIS themselves.  The U.S. is actually bombing ISIS in Syria and in Iraq.

In order for the U.S. and Russia to be effective with their airstrikes, they have to have common cause.  And that includes who will be running Syria after this civil war draws to a close, which it eventually will.  The U.S. wants the rebel opposition running the country, while Russia has been bombing them to support the existing Syrian leadership, who is a friend of Russia’s. 

It doesn’t bode well that the first joint airstrike managed to bomb a Syrian army unit, and that the U.S. coalition dropped the bombs.  I think this will happen again since Russia is involved in the targeting.   I also think Russia will refuse to bomb U.S.-suggested targets.

I doubt this alliance will last, unless there’s a shared vision between America and Russia of what post-civil war Syria will look like first.

Monday, September 12, 2016

If National Anthem is Going to Be Used to Further a Paid Athlete’s Political Agenda, Stop Playing It at Sporting Events

I’m not a fan of people abusing the national anthem to further their own political agenda, nor am I a fan of the news media even bothering to cover the story.

It occurs to me that if the media had covered the original protest once, then let it fade that this “protest” would have also faded, like most of the others do.  But the media became part of the story, again, which they’re not supposed to do on purpose and hit the “zoom” button on the cameras to focus attention on one or two players and away from the rest of their fellow players, teams and games.

They did the same thing when Tim Tebow was praying during football games.  The media hit the zoom button and focused in on one player for the sole purpose of ridiculing Tim for his religious belief and practices.   The media coverage was very offensive, especially when Tebow’s team lost a game here or there. 

I don’t watch sports to get my politics.  I watch sports to take a break from all the political garbage that’s on TV and prefer not to see politics during a sporting event.  I would imagine that if I had paid for expensive seats to an NFL game that I wouldn’t be happy to have politics turn up there.

If the National Anthem is not going to be done respectfully, don’t play it at all.   Keep the political garbage out of pro sports too.  We get enough of that already without having to pay for it too.

Thursday, September 08, 2016

If Hillary Has a Coughing Fit During a Debate With Donald Trump, She’s Going to Get Annihilated: Trump Will Zero Right in on Her Health and So Will the Press

Hillary Clinton may need to disclose what’s really going on with her health prior to her first debate with Donald Trump.  The reason why is that if she has a coughing fit during the debate with Trump standing right there, he’s not going to show any mercy.    He’ll be all over that situation, and demanding that she come clean in the presence of everybody.

I’d rather she have the coughing fit during the debate.  That’ll make for some excellent viewing and drama on TV.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Fox & Friends Stars Contributed to $60 Million Payout Over Sexual Harassment Lawsuit: Doocy & Kilmeade Have to Go

I’m a fan of Fox & Friends, but Gretchen Carlson’s lawsuit put the show into a different light, and not in a good way.  And I’m having a very hard time watching it now.

Fox recently settled the lawsuit that Carlson filed with a $20 million payout plus a public apology to her.  This is in addition to the $40 million severance paycheck that Fox gave to outgoing chair Roger Ailes, who was the target of the lawsuit.  He did a tremendous amount of damage to the company.

Ailes wasn’t alone in his sexual harassment of Gretchen Carlson.  Fox & Friends co-stars Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade contributed to the hostile work environment that Carlson and other female employees experienced and were stupid enough to express their sexist comments on-the-air.

I can’t see how they’re going to be able to hold onto their jobs.  They contributed to this public relations disaster, and if they keep degrading their female co-workers on the air as they already have, they run the risk of another high-profile lawsuit. 

Sexual harassment is ILLEGAL.

Doocy and Kilmeade need to be publicly taken out to the woodshed, or fired.   It’s very unfortunate, but they brought this down on themselves.   Doocy was named in the lawsuit.

I’m very sad that it’s come down to this.  Fox needs to fix this problem.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Are Guns Being Seized From Flooded Homes Again in Louisiana?

I’ve been reading reports of pets being rescued by authorities in Louisiana, which is good, but are guns being taken out of evacuated homes by the authorities too?

In 2005, during the Hurricane Katrina recovery, authorities were going into flooded homes in New Orleans and taking legally owned firearms out of those houses, and then were slow in returning them to their owners once the owners returned home to begin cleaning up.

The NRA and Second Amendment Foundation sued New Orleans and then settled when the city agreed to return the firearms to their legal owners.

Question:  with all the flooding happening in Louisiana over the last week or so, are guns being taken from homes again?   If this is becoming a standard procedure, it should probably be standard procedure for homeowners to take their firearms with them as they evacuate their homes. 

Yet they don’t seem to want armed citizens in emergency shelters.

I think they need to have a written procedure on what to do with firearms if an emergency situation requires a speedy evacuation.   They need to hash all of this out and come up with an acceptable plan.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Hope Solo Needs to Set an Example for Other Aspiring Female Soccer Players: Crying Over a Winning Strategy Employed by the Swedish Soccer Team Isn’t It

Hope Solo branded the winning strategy employed by Sweden’s women’s soccer team as “cowardly” instead of congratulating the winners in their victory over the undefeated United States team.

Yeah, losing hurts, and I feel for our national team, but sportsmanship in the face of defeat is the mark of a true champion.  The U.S. team will rise again down the road, I’m sure, but setting a proper example for other young soccer players and teams is just as important.

I hope that Hope Solo and the U.S. women’s team pulls it together and displays some respect for the Swedish team, whose winning strategy the U.S. team probably should have executed themselves, or at least adapted to better than they did.

I hope Sweden takes the gold medal.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Front Line Air Force Fighters Should Have Ample Supplies of Replacement Parts: They Shouldn’t Have to Go to the Boneyards to Find Parts

America’s fleet of military fighters are the oldest in U.S. military history, and it’s lead to some interesting and troubling situations across all the military services that fly combat aircraft.  

The Marine Corps recently grounded their fleet of fighters after two F-18s from the same squadron crashed in one week.  One pilot was killed. 

They’re also resurrecting 23 retired older model F-18s as they’re short on fighters until the F-35 enters production.   This will increase the risk to the pilots and their missions.

It’s too late to do anything about it now, but the fighters and bombers that the military is using in America’s wars need to have thirty year supplies of every single part that could break or wear out.  I hope that Congress gives the military the funding they need for the new fighters and bombers to have the parts that they need to stay in the air for decades, not years.

Hope Congress and the military work together on this problem, so we don’t get into this situation again.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

System Bias is Not the Problem in Baltimore’s Freddie Gray Case: Prosecutors Bringing Charges Due to Public Pressure Instead of Evidence IS

I’ve been watching the unfolding story in Baltimore with regards to the Freddie Gray trials, and am not surprised at what’s happening.  It’s not because of system bias, as some think it is.  It’s because the prosecutors brought charges against the police officers without enough evidence to prove their case.  This is reckless prosecution in it’s purest form.

It’s wrong and should be stopped from proceeding any further.  The family has already received $6.4 million from the city of Baltimore to settle the civil lawsuit, and with police officers already suing the prosecutors for their reckless handling of this case, it will probably cost the city even more to put this case to rest.

There can’t be true justice unless the prosecution does their job for all the right reasons.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

This Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words at Least: Obama’s Ties to Islam Becomes Clearer


The above photos recently emerged and started making the rounds on “Obama is a Muslim” web sites, and conservative sites as well.

I don’t have a particular issue with President Obama being a Muslim, but if he actually is, why doesn’t he just come out and admit it, and be done with it?  Is he afraid of not being reelected or something?

He’s been treating ISIS with kid gloves so far, and if a religious belief is preventing him from taking decisive action against those monsters, I think the American people deserve some honesty from President Obama.

All GOP Candidates Who Signed The “Pledge” Should Fulfill Their End of the Deal and Endorse Trump After the GOP Convention: Trump Has Every Right to Expect Their Support

Remember all of that hooplah about all the GOP candidates signing a pledge to support the eventual nominee?  Trump was the only holdout, and he eventually gave his word that he would not stage an independent run if someone else won the nomination, with the caveat that if he was treated “unfairly” that the pledge would be null and void.

Many of the former candidates have refused to endorse Trump, even though he’s the last man standing from their primary campaigns. 

Now Trump has called them out, calling on them to fulfill their pledge.  I hope they do, for the sake of stopping Hillary Clinton.

Friday, June 24, 2016

UK Decides to Withdraw from European Union: U.S. Should Not Abandon Britain or Move It to a Rear Burner for Trade Deals

The United Kingdom held their referendum on whether to stay or leave the European Union yesterday, and the Leave movement won by around a million votes, which lead to Prime Minster Cameron’s resignation this morning. 

The markets are reacting negatively, which is not unexpected.  Scotland voted to remain, so now there’s a question of whether Scotland will remain in the United Kingdom.   Lot of unanswered questions.

On the U.S. side, President Obama’s ill-advised statement to the British public during his visit needs to be looked at.  We should not abandon Britain, nor should our government move it to the “back of the queue” for consideration for trade deals as President Obama told the British people would happen if the Leave side won.

The U.S.-British friendship and business relationship should get stronger, and not weaker as President Obama has suggested.  I hope he doesn’t take to the airwaves to issue more threats now that the Leave side has won.

Hopefully the UK and EU will come to an understanding that is fair to all parties involved.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Democrats Politicize Disaster in Florida: They Just Can’t Help Themselves

The Democrats just can’t stop politicizing everything, including a terrorist attack on a nightclub in Orlando which left forty-nine dead and fifty wounded.

ISIS called for terror attacks in the U.S. during Ramadan in the weeks before the start of the holiday, and that’s exactly what happened.   That should be the end of the story. 

I also noted that President Obama continued his policy of not naming what the problem is (Radical Islamic terrorism), which has itself become a political hot potato.   There’s nothing to be done there, but some things can be pointed out:

Naming the problem defines the problem, which leads to decisive action to deal with the named problem.  Putting one’s head in the sand doesn’t help matters any.  Nor is being the Observer-in-Chief.

The Democrats focused on the gun issue again.   Banning guns won’t stop terrorists. 

What’s to stop a terrorist (foreign or domestic) from taking a pressure cooker, loading it up with ball bearings and nails, packing it with low grade explosives, stick a blasting cap stolen from an industrial site into the top of it and simply carrying it into a minimum-security (soft target) nightclub like the one attacked in Orlando and detonating it?   Absolutely nothing.   The Boston bombers proved it.

ISIS and al-Qaeda love killing themselves and taking their enemies with them. They need to be stopped and their caliphate made into nothing but a memory. 

Guns are but one part of the problem.  Changing a radical’s heart so that he puts down his weapon and uses his voice (and in this case, his vote) to disagree with his government is something the Democrats and Republicans in federal government need to work on.

Getting guns away from the seriously mentally ill and violence-prone is also something that should be addressed too.  Both parties have declined to do anything about it—the Democrats because they don’t want to be labeled as less-than-liberal-minded, and the Republicans because the NRA doesn’t like the idea at all.  

There’s a solution out there, but they need to work to find it.  And NEVER pass anything immediately after an event like the Orlando catastrophe. That always leads to bad legislation that is very difficult to repeal or fix, especially in an election year.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

What Is Going On With These Politicians Running for the White House? As If Hillary/Sanders and Trump Weren’t Bad Enough, Now the Libertarian Candidates Are Acting Up Too: If You Want Me to Consider Voting for You, Stick to the Issues

I don’t have a lot of respect for either of the Democratic presidential hopefuls, or for the GOP presumptive nominee (at this stage anyways.)   I had started to look at other parties on Friday, to see if there was a third party platform that I could support.  By Saturday afternoon, the news cycle picked up on the Libertarian vice-presidential pick invoking the Nazis to describe Trump’s immigration plan.

As if the Republicrats aren’t bad enough, now the others are getting into this race full of hate mongers, liars and hypocrites.

I’d be a lot happier if the Libertarian VP pick had criticized Trump’s plans without bringing the Nazis into the equation.  Does he think he can say what he wants like Trump does and still get away with it as Trump has?

I will not vote for someone who seems to be imitating Trump.   I may end up voting for the SOB, but only to stop Hillary or Sanders or Hillary/Sanders, which seems not so far-fetched anymore.
But I’m going to look at all the parties very closely first.  

As far as Kristallnacht is concerned, I don't see it in the immigration issue.

I brought it up some time ago because Trump seemed to be encouraging riots in the streets if the GOP establishment found a way to replace him on the ticket, and I was pointing out that when political leaders called for violence against people they don't like, people end up getting hurt or killed.  My message was for Trump to cool it before Americans got killed because of his political rhetoric.

My message now is for all candidates to cool it and stick to the issues.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Twitter War: Senator Warren Takes on Donald Trump on Twitter and Matches Him Insult-for-Insult

Donald Trump and liberal Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren have been exchanging fire on Twitter, and it’s delightful!

She’s been matching him blow for blow, and he isn’t holding anything back either.  No one’s been able to draw Trump out like this in quite some time.

He’s calling her “goofy” and “our Native American senator” and she’s calling him “lame” and a “bully” and “loser.”    Here’s the story.

If he’s elected President, he’s going to have a ball exchanging insults with the North Korean media.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

States Are Spending Far Too Much Time on Bathroom Issues, and Not Enough Time on Other More Important Issues to the Common Good

I’m tired of all the toilet talk coming from the states and think they need to focus on more important issues, such as passing an operating budget. Some states where the bathroom debate is raging have yet to pass a budget for 2016-2017.

Just build more family bathrooms and be done with it already.   And if someone doesn’t want to use a public restroom because of this issue, don’t.  

Speaking frankly, I’ll think twice if I see a woman in a men’s restroom.   I will not give up whatever privacy is left in a restroom for the sake of someone else’s cause.  

Pick your poison and move on.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Can We Trust a Nuclear-Armed North Korea That Can Strike the United States to Behave Itself, or Are We Going to Need to Make a Pre-Emptive Strike to Stop North Korea?

Overwhelming international sanctions and pressure on North Korea have failed to slow down or stop the continued nuclear weapons advancement in the Hermit Kingdom, and we’re going to need to face the music soon.

Can we ever trust North Korea, which behaves like a petulant child being told “no, you can’t have that” to start behaving like a nation run by grown-ups?  With Kim Jong Un in charge over there, the answer is a resounding “NO!”  

We can’t trust anyone in North Korea to run it responsibly until the entire country has been de-programmed, disarmed and de-Kim Jong Un’ed.   It’s going to cost a lot of lives and the body count will be driven upwards the longer action is delayed.  

North Korea’s generals could negate a lot of this but they’re being executed at the slightest provocation to Kim Jong Un’s fear of losing his power, or getting a bullet in his head.

No one wants a war, but North Korea may force it and drag in all of its neighbors.   The situation is looking more and more bleak the longer it drags on.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Cruz is Acting in the Same Way in New York That Trump is Acting Across the Country: It’s Not Going to Work, But New York Was a Lost Cause for Cruz From the Get-Go

Ted Cruz doubled down on his criticism of New York liberal politics in the last couple of weeks, and there’s no doubt that he’s going to get mauled badly.  He seems to know it and isn’t holding anything back.    

The NY Daily News (is it really a news magazine, given their covers?) has taken the lead on telling where Cruz to go.  They aren’t very sympathetic to Trump either…they’ve recently endorsed Governor Kasich.  Who cares.

If Cruz loses in New York by 90%-10%, it’s a badge of honor for him. 

How many Democrats have registered as Republicans so that they can vote for Donald Trump to teach Cruz a lesson?   How many fewer voters will the Democratic side have, and what effect will it have on the Democratic side of things?

It’s really amusing to see New York react to Cruz, especially when Trump has been acting exactly the same way across the country since he got into the race.  If the rest of the country reacted to Trump the way that New York is reacting to Cruz, Trump would definitely not be in first place right now.

I’m going to enjoy the libs vs. Cruz show for as long as it lasts.  He’s making them SO angry.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Law Enforcement Agencies From Across The Country Want FBI’s iPhone Hack: Is There a Black Flag Operation in Progress?

Law enforcement across the country are asking the FBI to share its hack of an iPhone 5C with them so that they can move forward with hundreds of cases across many jurisdictions. 

I’m surprised that Apple hasn’t hit the FBI with a restraining order yet to prevent that from happening.

The legal types over at Apple are probably looking at all the options, including whether Apple might be liable if they patch the FBI hack, thereby denying law enforcement the information that they’re after on hundreds of phones.

I’m not taking a position on that question. 

But I’m beginning to wonder if there’s a black flag operation in progress between the FBI and Apple.  The longer Apple takes to respond publicly, the more suspicious I get.

That has the makings of a Hollywood movie.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

It Looks Like FBI Will Not Share Information With Apple: They’re Opening Locked iPhones for Other Law Enforcement Agencies

I find it very interesting that the FBI has agreed to unlock other iPhones with their new iPhone hack within two days of hacking the San Bernadino shooter’s iPhone.

It’s still uncertain if the Arkansas phone that the FBI is going to unlock is the same iPhone model as the San Bernadino one (iPhone 5C) with the same operating system, or if it’s a different model.  If it’s an iPhone 6, Apple has a HUGE problem that renders their security features inoperable, rather than a problem with one model. 

If it’s just the 5C, I can see Apple offering free or reduced new iPhones of the iPhone 6 line that don’t have the vulnerability in return for turning in the exposed 5C.  I can see them doing this to retire the hacked model and reduce their liability exposure.

How long will it be before the FBI is hacked and their new unlock capability is stolen by criminals?   I have no doubt that there are individuals out there who are salivating at the prospect of stealing this secret and somehow making money off of it.

If that happened, I can see Apple retiring the 5C.  Wonder if they would sue the government for damages…that’d be a real turn of events.

Social Conservative in Name Only: A Real Conservative Wouldn’t Have Screwed Up on Abortion Question the Way Trump Did

“Three positions in three hours.”

Ted Cruz has long said that Donald Trump has no depth to his platform, and yesterday seemed to prove it.

Because Trump has supported both sides of this issue, it’s not surprising at all that he misstated his position on the abortion issue, then had to clarify things twice.  Now he’s got abortion rights supporters, anti-abortion foes and everybody in between howling about how he’s got things wrong.

A true abortion foe wouldn’t have made that kind of mistake.  And now he’s got a wedge issue that may really hurt his campaign in the coming weeks.

My reservations about Trump’s viability as a Presidential contender continue to grow by the day.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Secret Service Didn’t Seem to Think That Former BreitBart Report Was a Threat to Trump: This Flies in the Face of Trump Saying She Was a Threat

I prefer to leave the security analysis to the professionals at the scene, but Donald Trump’s defense of his campaign manager’s assault of a reporter doesn’t hold water.

The Secret Service guards who were around Trump made no move to stop her from pushing in on him.  Therefore, they did not consider her a threat, as Trump has claimed.  If she did what he’s claiming, the Secret Service would have been all over her and there would have been a massive scene.   Those ladies and gentlemen know what they’re doing.

She’s the one with the bruises on her arm, and with the audio of the interview.  I think Trump should let the law take its course without starting ANOTHER anti-woman vendetta on Twitter.  His opponents are already making political hay out of his comments on Twitter in the form of new political attack ads.

He’s very unlikely to stay out of it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Another Lotto Winner Murdered: All States Should Give Winners the Option of Remaining Anonymous

If I won a multi-million dollar lottery ticket, I’d give serious thought to ripping it to pieces right in front of lottery officials after confirming that I had no right to privacy.  Better that than to live looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life, or hiring security guards, or moving to another state just to live in relative safety.

Do lottery officials not realize that people are dying because of the lack of anonymity? 

In the latest case, three people allegedly murdered a Lotto winner in Georgia in January after breaking into his house, taking him and his two-year old baby hostage and demanding money.  When they couldn’t find his wallet, they shot him.  Three were involved with the actual break-in and killing, but the four others were somehow involved as well, and the police are promising more arrests.

In a lot of the cases, it was family members who were the murderers, but lately it’s been strangers or casual acquaintances who have carried out the attempted armed robberies and murders.

Granting Lotto winners privacy will protect them from the people they don’t know.   Keeping their own mouths shut about their good luck may help deal with relatives who decide there’s some kind of score to be made.

The practice of trotting the winners out in front of the cameras for all to see to accept a huge check should come to an end.  How many people need to get robbed in their own homes at gunpoint, their families threatened, and the prize winners gunned down before these lotteries (in every state, and not just a few) get with the program?

This needs to get fixed.

Feds End Court Case Against Apple in San Bernadino Shooter Case: They Found a Way to Decrypt Shooter’s iPhone Without Apple’s Help

An Israeli company is rumored to have stepped forward and helped the FBI gain access to a locked iPhone that was used by one of the San Bernadino shooters, so the Department of Justice ended it’s court case to compel Apple to assist them.

While it’s good that they’ve gotten the information they needed, it’s still a very troubling situation.

Now Apple has to worry about this hack that defeated their much-vaunted security measures.   And the government may not want to give their back door away for Apple to patch.

That’s for them to sort out.  I think Apple made the correct move in refusing to assist the government in this case, as creating backdoors is just asking for hackers to steal the information and exploit it.   Someone always profits from stolen information.

What good is security if it’s full of holes and can be exploited by anyone?  That’s what would have happened if Apple had put back doors into their iPhone operating systems.  Software is available for employers to override passcodes on iPhones if someone is using a company phone.  The Health Department that the shooter worked for did not put the applications on their company phone, even though they had paid for it.

It’s unfortunate that our smartphones have become pawns in a much bigger game of national security vs. personal liberty.   Nature of the beast, I guess.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

When the Federal Government Went After the Italian Mobs in New York City, Who Did They Approach to Infiltrate the Mafias? ITALIANS! So Why is There Such a Backlash Against Having Muslims Do The Same Thing?

The liberal political establishment has been blasting the GOP presidential candidates for suggesting that they’d go into Muslim neighborhoods and recruit Muslims to report on extremists in their communities.

Excuse me, but that’s PRECISELY what the federal government did when they went after the Five Families in New York City.  They didn’t just recruit any Joe Blow off the streets, they recruited Italians and Sicilians to be informers.

The libs need to get off their high horses and get with the program and protect the country.   I detest the mess that they’ve made out of the immigration debate, and the fact that they’re attacking the Republicans for trying to clean up the failed policies of the current Administration.  And I especially detest that the author of those failures is leading the criticism of his potential successors for daring to clean up his mess.

Who knows, they might find a lot of cooperation in the Muslim communities, who have opened the doors of their mosques to law enforcement already.

We don’t want to be like Europe.  Their model is failing right before our eyes, and people who are doing nothing but going about their business are being blown up by an enemy that we’re supposedly “winning” against.  Thanks a lot, Mr. President.  What’s it going to take to get your attention, a huge bomb attack in Times Square?

I also found it very interesting that Obama criticized Cruz and attacked his new friends, the Castros, in the same speech.   I wonder if he said the same thing to their faces while he was on his vacation to Cuba?

Now the Secretary of Defense Has an Email Problem: Will He Get Off Scot-Free Like Hillary Clinton Has So Far, Or Will He Be Prosecuted?

I don’t get it.

The Secretary of Defense saw what was happening with Hillary Clinton and the amount of trouble she’s in for using personal email for official government business, yet he continued to do exactly the same thing with his own personal email for months after Secretary Clinton’s problems became public knowledge.

What was he thinking?  In many cases, Department of Defense communications are even more sensitive than State Department ones are. 

Now we’ll see if there’s a difference in how her scandal has been treated by the feds as compared to what happens to him.  If he’s prosecuted immediately, or forced to resign, we’ll know that the fix is in.  Actually, we already know that the feds have been avoiding taking aggressive steps against Clinton as she’s the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination.  If they prosecute, her campaign derails.

We’ll be watching this situation with great interest.

If Companies Want Us to Stop Using Ad Blocker Programs, Then They Should Stop Putting Battery-Draining, Invasive, Cookie-Depositing, Bandwidth-Hogging, Computer Slowing Ads That Don’t Respect Privacy on the Web: Did I Miss Anything?

I read over on CNET that companies are getting aggressive in their dealings with users who dare to use ad-blocking software to keep their privacy intact.

Hey, if they don’t like ad-blockers, then they should get the monster that they created back in the cage and throw away the key.  Better yet, slay their creation and come up with a less intrusive and privacy-invading way to make money.  

Any ad that drains the batteries on our devices is evil.  Any ad that uses up more bandwidth than necessary is evil.   Any ad that places a cookie on our computers without expressed permission from us is evil.  Any ad (or web site) that uses trackers is evil.  Any search engine that saves our searches to profile us  is evil (and very annoying and worrying).  Forcing ads on us should be an online crime.

I have medical training, and sometimes I have to look up the names of medications or conditions and what the common treatments are.  No, I am not RH-negative. No, I do not have an STI or Zika.  No, I do not have pancreatic cancer.  No, I do not have a blood disease either, nor do I have a penile or vaginal problem, or anything.  Nor do I have autism or autism-spectrum.  No, I do not have high-altitude sickness.  Yet I get carpet bombed with ads promoting sexual health, cancer treatment centers, condoms and other stuff that I have no interest in.

That’s why I started using ad-blockers and browsers that do not allow tracking.  And if they don’t want our interest or traffic, we’ll find the information elsewhere and spend our money elsewhere too, in excess of the money they’re making off their ads.

Instead of going after users who hate ads and trackers and who don’t want a footprint online, they should fix their own problem by themselves and leave us out of it.    Blaming US for THEIR problem is wrong.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Obama Will Turn Up in Surprise Visit to Tehran or Pyongyang Before The End of His Term: He Seems to Be Working Off a Bucket List

President Obama seems to be working off a bucket list, and it wouldn’t surprise me if one morning we wake up to the news that President Obama turned up in Iran or in North Korea.  I think it’s possible that it will happen prior to the new President being sworn in on January 20th.

The visit to Cuba was an insult to Cuban Americans whose families were driven out of their homeland by the Castro regime and hate the Castro brothers.

We can improve ties with Cuba while still telling the Castros where to go, but President Obama didn’t do it that way.  

Keeping the Castros in power isn’t a good idea.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Hulk Hogan Wins Huge Lawsuit Against Tabloid Website : First Amendment Doesn’t Apply in this Case

Some web sites have been commenting that First Amendment rights are threatened by Hulk Hogan’s victory against tabloid website, but I don’t think that’s right.  

Someone made a sex tape recording without Hogan’s knowledge or permission and Gawker posted parts of the recording on its web site, and then refused to take it down.    Hogan filed a $100 million lawsuit against Gawker and put Gawker’s sleazy editor on the stand to defend his decision to post the illegal video onto the web site. 

The jury agreed with Hogan, and awarded him $115 million for his troubles, with punitive damages pending next week. 

The punitive punishment should be interesting.   I’m thinking it’ll be in the $20 million range. Gawker doesn’t have the assets to comply with the ruling.  

I’ve been reading opinions online that the Hogan lawsuit threatens the First Amendment, but I disagree.   Posting illegal porn is not protected speech and should never be considered to be legal by the courts.  

Hopefully this gives people putting “revenge porn” online some second thoughts before they destroy someone’s life.  There will be a price to pay, and that’s a good thing.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Argentina Sinks Chinese Fishing Vessel: Like China, Argentina Has Established a 200 Mile Economic Exclusion Zone and This is the Result

A Chinese fishing vessel dared to fish inside Argentina’s 200 mile exclusion zone that they’ve established off their coastline, and the Argentinian Coast Guard opened fire and sent it to the bottom of the ocean.

China is demanding an investigation.  I hope they remember this when they start doing the same to ships that operate in their own disputed zone.  They haven’t done so yet, but they’re militarizing some of the reefs.  How long can it be?

The Law of the Sea Treaty establishes the 12 mile limit; China and Argentina are signatories. 

Anything past the 12 mile limit is and should remain international waters. 

I think our planet has enough trouble without adding the possibility of nations going to war over fishing boats and oil platforms.   Here’s a map that illustrates the problem.  With so many maritime borders overlapping already, tacking another 200 miles on compounds the problem.

China has claimed waters that are far beyond their territory.  From where the disputed islands are on the map, they’re definitely not Chinese.  Other nations have a much better claim on the islands and the surrounding waters.  A case was brought to the Hague, but China argued that it didn’t have jurisdiction. 

China’s entire argument is that it had a 2,000 year old claim to the islands.  If China was still ruled by an Emperor, that might hold more water, but China got rid of their last Emperor. 

Vietnam’s territorial claims are almost as vast as China’s, except their claims have been validated by the U.N.

The Philippines claims seem to be the closest to making sense.  The disputed islands are much closer to the Philippines than any other nation.

Here’s the timeline of the court case in the Hague between the Philippians and China.  The court is still deciding if it has jurisdiction to settle this mess, which I hope that it does. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kasich’s New Liberal Immigration Amnesty Stance Sucks: He Needs to Get Out of the Race Too

I don’t like the direction that John Kasich has gone in since I voted in the Michigan primary last week.

I voted for Cruz as it looked like Kasich’s stand was shifting even then, but I wasn’t sure.

What he was saying last week made a lot of sense.  Here’s his prior immigration stance as of last week, according to the web site:

  • It's a silly argument to ship 11M illegals back to Mexico. (Nov 2015)
  • Focus of immigration should be to keep families together. (Sep 2015)
  • Latino immigrants will continue to play critical role in US. (Sep 2015)
  • Focus on border & guest workers, not birthright citizenship. (Sep 2015)
  • 1993: end birthright citizenship; 2015: not part of approach. (Aug 2015)
  • Seal the border with Mexico, support legal immigrants. (Jul 2015)
  • Open to pathway to citizenship, but doesn't like it. (Feb 2015)
  • Post-Sept-11 open-door melting-pot is essentially intact. (May 2006)
  • Limit the number of legal immigrants, and their benefits. (Nov 1996)
  • Voted YES on more immigrant visas for skilled workers. (Sep 1998)
  • Declared English the official language of the US. (Jan 1999)

But now, he’s making all kinds of noise about immigration and amnesty.  I don’t know if he’s pulling out all the stops to win in Ohio today, but I can’t agree with him on his new liberal policies on immigration.

I don’t have an argument with him from a religious point of view, but I don’t like the bait and switch that he’s pulled on voters who supported him previously.

I wonder how many of his prior supporters will support him now that he’s gone liberal on this issue.   He may have handed Trump a victory in Ohio.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Rubio Needs to Get Out Now: If He Loses in Florida, It Could Be the End of His Political Career

I think Marco Rubio needs to get out of the race prior to Tuesday’s primary in Florida.

If he wants to stay in politics, he can’t lose Florida if he chooses to stay in.  Things typically don’t go well for primary candidates who lose their home states, especially if they aren’t the front-runner.

Hope he’s weighing his options.

Violence at Trump Events is Not Unexpected: Trump Has Actively Been Encouraging It With His Abrasive Language, Confrontational Rhetoric and Unwillingness to Adapt His Strategy

There has been a spike in violence at Donald Trump’s campaign events, and it’s not unanticipated at all.  A blind man could have seen it coming.

What I am surprised at is that it hasn’t happened much much sooner than now, and that no one has tried to shoot their way into one of his campaign events.   Even now, attendees at some of his events are saying they may have to kill his opponents if they don’t stop protesting.


Does Kristallnacht ring a bell?  I think parts of the country are on the verge of one, with Trump at the wheel. 

Historically, when a political leader calls for violence to deal with groups of people, violence ensues.  We saw it in Rwanda, we saw it in Iraq, and in Libya, during the breakup of Yugoslavia, and we’re seeing it in Syria on a daily basis.

Trump needs to cool it, before American people start to die.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Trump Can Probably Win Without the Support of White Supremacists: Why Is He Waffling on Denouncing the Ku Klux Klan?

As a self-declared enemy of the KKK, I don’t understand why Donald Trump seems to be half-heartedly denouncing David Duke and his KKK associates.

Trump may have made a big mistake.  

Any candidate who doesn’t come out against the Klan and other white power groups should quit the race.   And not admitting to a mistake isn’t working to Trump’s advantage.

Trump reminds me of the Hutu idiot who took to the radio in Rwanda in 1994,  and told his supporters to start “exterminating the cockroaches”, referring to the Tutsi minority in Rwanda.   One hundred days later, 800,000+ people were dead.

Trump is very careless with the kind of language that he uses.  Dropping race bombs and not standing up to people doing the devil’s work will divide this country even more than it already is.  It may even incite a race war, which is EXACTLY what racial troublemakers want.

Trump needs to change course and fast.  If he becomes the President, he needs to reverse the damage that our current President has already incurred on the nation’s already-fragile race relations.  Enough of the race bombs and half-measures. 

He has to tell David Duke off and make a lot of noise doing so, before the voters punish him either during the remaining primaries, or during the general election in November.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

GOP Members of Senate Judiciary Committee Are Making a Major Blunder: They’ve Decided Not to Hold Confirmation Hearings for Potential Supreme Court Nominees in 2016

The Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have decided to not hold confirmation hearings for any Supreme Court nominees in 2016, preferring a potential Clinton or Sanders Administration to nominate the next Supreme Court nominee in 2017.

They’ve lost their minds up there.

They’re going to look really stupid if they are forced to backtrack if President Obama nominates a conservative in response to their bone-headed move.  And in an election year, that could be a very costly mistake.  He might actually take this step out of pure spite.

Doing nothing is the kind of politics that people—mostly on the GOP side--are already up in arms about. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Apple Needs to Stand It’s Ground Against FBI, and Not to Protect Civil Liberties: This is About the Government Not Doing It’s Job and Being Unable to Protect Sensitive Online Data

I’ve been going back and forth on the FBI vs. Apple situation and have finally come to a few conclusions.

First, the government cannot keep stuff safe online, and this involves coding or programming to defeat Apple’s latest security measures.  If hackers could, they’d steal our nuclear missile codes and try to sell them back to the government for bitcoins.

Anything that Apple gives to the FBI to unlock a terrorist’s iPhone is vulnerable to theft by nefarious individuals who would exploit the back door.   Destroy the code after it’s been used?  Wishful thinking.  What is deleted can be restored, if you have the right tools or training.   One-use coding?  Nope…hackers can get around that little problem too.

Next, why is the government bringing Apple in to fix their mistake?  The accused San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone belonged to the county health department where he worked, and they could have installed software that would have given them complete access to the phone’s data.  They paid for the software but never installed it.   If a government owns the phone that an employee is using, they should be able to access the data at any time, especially if the employee leaves the government, dies, or is accused of a crime.  This is a huge screw-up.

Finally, I’m of the opinion that any politician who supports the government position deserves to have their data hacked and then released for public consumption.  They’ll be singing a different tune after they’re publicly shamed. 

Also, they can set the example for the rest of us, and not encrypt their phones or tablets or other electronic devices.  

I bet that even before Apple incorporated their security measures into their latest operating systems that Donald Trump had put an unlock code into his iPhone and other devices.  And yet he called for a boycott of Apple products until they help the FBI with defeating their iPhone security.  Any politician saying stuff like this doesn’t deserve a vote.

This is less about civil liberties, and more about government data being potentially stolen and used by hackers to open millions of locked phones.  That’s what this is really about. 

Apple doesn’t need to invoke the civil liberties argument; they’ve got plenty of facts about the federal government having stuff stolen by hackers and being unable to protect Apple’s source coding.

Here’s a partial list of computer breaches in the U.S. Government:

September 2009 through December 2011—U.S. Department of Health and Human Services breached 13 times.  Employee records of 300 employees believed to have been compromised.

March 2012—Environmental Protection Agency hacked, personal and financial data for 8,000 users stolen, including bank account numbers and Social Security numbers.

May 2012—Department of Justice had 1.7 gigabytes of data stolen by Anonymous, posted publicly.  Database contained sensitive information about crimes, criminals and crime victims.

June 2012—Multiple U.S. Navy servers breached, over 200,000 people affected.  Sensitive personal data stolen.

June 2012—Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) server breached, email accessed, attachments stolen along with Social Security numbers of 700 employees.

June 2012—U.S. Department of Energy breached by an employee, attempted to sell access to supercomputer to an undercover FBI agent.

June 2012—Department of Homeland Security breached, personal data stolen included access information to DHS servers.

October 2012—U.S. Army Chief of Public Affairs mistakenly posted sensitive information to a public database.  500 Army soldiers and employees had their personal data, Social Security numbers and other sensitive data posted.

October 2014—Denial of Service (DoS) attack from inside the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)’s own network. 

November 2014—White House network is breached, President Obama’s schedule was accessed.

November 2014—NOAA network was compromised by Chinese hackers.  Information of what was accessed has not been provided as of yet.

November 2014—USPS network was breached; personal information including names, addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts, birthdates and Social Security numbers were stolen.  800,000 employees affected.

November 2014—State Department network breached; the Russian hackers got into State Department non-classified email systems.  Information gleaned helped hackers to go after and access the White House servers.

April 2015—FAA hacked; experts publicly worried that the nation’s air traffic control systems were vulnerable.

April 2015—Department of Defense breached.  Non-classified files were accessed.

May 2015—St. Louis Federal Reserve breached.  Internet traffic was redirected elsewhere.

May 2015—IRS breached.  334,000 taxpayers had their information stolen.  IRS reported that their main system was not affected.

June 2015—U.S. Army web site breached by Syrian Electronic Army.  Defacing of web site resulted. 

June 2015—Office of Personnel Management (OPM)—Government worker data stolen.  25,000 workers affected initially; after lengthy investigation it was discovered that the number was actually 22.1 million people affected.  Names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdates, Social Security numbers, and other sensitive information was stolen.

July 2015—Census Bureau—User accounts, audit information stolen and posted by Anonymous. 

August 2015—Pentagon—Email systems for 4,000 employees compromised by Russian hackers.


Should Apple be concerned about trusting the government with coding to break the security of their operating system, given the (partial) list of failures above?

Um, in a word….YES!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trump Calls Cruz “Unstable”: Trump Must Be Joking as He’s Obviously Talking About Himself

“Unstable” is not a term that is applicable to Ted Cruz.  That term fits Donald Trump perfectly, so it’s highly hypocritical that he’s calling someone else unstable.

Which candidate can’t get along with people who disagree with him?  Which candidate has to resort to name-calling and insults to distract the opposition from debating real issues?  Which one can’t let a feud go and move on?  Which one never apologizes because he’s “never” wrong?  Which one has gone on highly-public profanity-laced tirades when things aren’t going his way?  Which one is highly bombastic and a prima donna?

TRUMP’s instability makes him unfit to be President, so he should stop criticizing others from his highly-jaded point of view and address his own personal problems before attempting to transfer them to others. 

I still find it amazing that he’s able to label others with his own personal negative attributes so successfully.  The media eats that stuff up as the GOP candidates are being severely damaged by Trump’s antics and are responding in kind, so that the media’s preferred Democratic candidates have more source material to deploy against their eventual GOP rival.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Getting Another Feeling About Tuesday: Trump Will Finish in Second Place (or lower) Thanks to His Sloppy Handling of the New Hampshire Debate

Trump’s true colors shown through at the New Hampshire debate, and he was getting booed by rank and file Republicans.  They didn’t seem too impressed with his entertainment act.  That debate was almost painful to watch…almost.

Prediction time: I have no idea who will win the state for the GOP side, but I’m getting the feeling that it won’t be Trump.  I think he’s going to finish in second place (or lower).   First place could be Rubio, or Cruz.

On the Democratic side, I think Sanders will take New Hampshire.  Democratic voters there seem to be in sync with his message, and Clinton still has major trust issues.

It may be that she will be charged with a crime.  Her email problems seem to be getting worse by the day.

It’ll be very interesting to see if the national and New Hampshire polls have it right, or if Trump’s voters stay home in New Hampshire, like his followers in Iowa did. 

The polls in Iowa showed Trump leading Cruz anywhere from 3-9% just before the caucuses started.   New Hampshire polls are showing Trump leading by double-digits.   If Trump loses, he’s going to be crying foul even more than he did over Iowa.   I don’t think it’s going to be as easy a win as Trump thinks.

Should be interesting.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Coin Tosses in the Iowa Caucuses? And Hillary Clinton Won 6 Out of 6 of Them?

According to this report, the chances of Hillary going 6/6 on coin tosses in the Iowa caucus was 1.6%.  Yet it happened, and gave Hillary the razor-thin victory in Iowa.

I’m not a fan of either Democratic candidate, but something’s really wrong here.  Sanders could very easily turn this mess into a court case, and I can’t say I’d blame him.   The Democratic math is pretty fuzzy.

The chaos shown in YouTube videos is confirmation of things going really bad.  You have to watch the entire video, especially when they start to compare numbers at the 1:11 mark of the video.

They’ve got to get their act together…hopefully this fiasco isn’t repeated in any of the other states who don’t do this kind of caucus.  I can see why Rush has referred to this process as the “Hawkeye Cockeye.”  What a mess.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Predictions for Iowa Caucus on Monday: Sanders Will Win Democratic Caucus, Trump Will Finish Second or Third

I have a feeling about Monday’s Iowa caucus.

I think the email issue will cripple Hillary Clinton on Monday, and Bernie Sanders will win on the Democratic side.  On the GOP side, I don’t think that Trump is going to do as well as the polls are suggesting.

Cruz will probably win, with Trump in second or third place.  Rubio may surge too.

Trump’s supporters have to turn out in force, and I’m not sure they’re going to.  Younger voters traditionaly don’t turn out to caucus.  That’s Trump’s Achilles Heel…his supporters MUST turn out in order for him to win.

I still don’t like the Iowa caucuses, but with the bombastic Trump in the mix, it will be a very interesting evening.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Flint Water Situation is Outrageous: Screw-Up After Screw-Up, and Now The State is Responsible for Lead Contamination of Thousands of People in Flint

After watching the news coverage from when the story of the water problems in Flint emerged, and Governor Snyder’s State of the State address, I’m in shock that something like this could happen on so huge a scale.

The federal and state investigations should reveal who knew what, and when. 

I’m not joining the call for Snyder to resign at this time.  But it is disgraceful that a water quality problem of this magnitude is taking place in this state, which has many quadrillions of safe water to draw drinking water from.

People in these “protection agencies” need to DO THEIR JOBS so that something like this can be stopped from happening again.  If someone had done the proper tests prior to Flint switching its water source, and started screaming “STOP!!” this could have been prevented.

Now there’s one heck of a mess to take care of, and one that will go on for years and cost billions (which Michigan doesn’t have), and to take care of any kids that develop permanent brain damage from lead contamination.   This is not a political issue to be bandied around.  Politicizing this situation won’t make it better, either.

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Texas Governor Proposes Constititional Convention: This is a Very Bad Idea

I’m opposed to convening a Constitutional Convention for any reason whatsoever.

The governor of Texas has proposed it to add Constitutional Amendments in the following areas:

  • Prohibit Congress from regulating activity that occurs in one state
  • Require Congress to balance its budget.
  • Prohibit administrative agencies from creating law
  • Prohibit administrative agencies from pre-empting state law
  • Allow a two-thirds majority of the states to override a Supreme Court decision
  • Require a seven-justice super-majority vote for Supreme Court decisions that invalidate a democratically enacted law
  • Restore balance of power between the federal and state governments by limiting the former to the powers expressly delegated to it in the Constitution
  • Give state officials the power to sue in federal court when federal officials overstep their bounds
  • Allow a two-thirds majority of the states to override a federal law regulation.

I like all of these ideas, but not when a Constitutional Convention is required to pass them. 

What’s to stop a runaway convention from enacting other changes that one interest group or another want?   Given the difficulty in convening a Constitutional Convention, these groups will realize it’s their one chance to change the law, they’ll come out of the woodwork with their own proposals that are best left in constitutional debate classes and not put into practice.

I prefer to have the Congress propose an amendment, debate it, pass it and then submit it to the states for ratification.  3/4 of the states need to ratify it.

This is a MUCH safer (though much slower) way to push through a Constitutional Amendment.   A convention could conceivably make an irreversible mess out of our Constitution.   That’s not worth the risk.

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Militia Seizes Federal Wildlife Refuge Building: This Situation Goes Back to the 2014 Stand-Off Between the Bundy Family and the Federal Government Over Their Rustling of Bundy’s Cows

I wrote about the Bundy situation in 2014 as it was unfolding then.  Here are the links:
Obama Administration is Provoking a Domestic Uprising With Their Stupid Cattle Round-Up: They Need to Stop Sending Police, K-9 Units and SWAT Teams to Handle Arguments With Farmers and Ranchers

Harry Reid Needs to Retire: He’s Acting Like Nevada’s Emperor over the Bundy Ranch Situation Instead of Acting Like the Senate Majority Leader and Dealing With More Pressing National Issues…Get With the Program, Reid, or Get Out of the Way!

Bundy’s Race Comments Are Major Screw-Up: Whatever Goodwill He Had Built Up Went Out the Window and He Won’t Get It Back


A blind man could have seen this one coming.  And now Cliven Bundy’s family has jumped in with both feet and are part of the armed group that is holding a federal building in support of another landowner in Oregon who has a conflict going with the federal government.    

I am of the opinion that the miitias should go home.

All they’re going to do is push the government into taking further unconstitutional measures to eventually end gun ownership in the United States.   This is exactly what the current Administration wants, despite Obama’s denials and his ridiculing the NRA and others who are daring to speak out against President Obama’s presidential fiats.

The militia group, calling itself the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, has vowed to stay put until its demands are met.   No police have shown up, and many pundits are predicting that the police and FBI will not move in unless lives are threatened. 

This is probably a good idea by the police.   A pitched battle with militia members who are just as heavily armed as a SWAT team is the very last thing that is needed.

Bundy and his group won in Nevada due to the federal government backing down, which is probably what lead to their invading Oregon in support of another landowner with his own legitimate arguments against federal government actions.  

On a side note, there were peaceful protests in nearby Burns, Oregon, to support the Hammond family.  Many of the locals turned out in support.  That’s how this entire thing should have gone down.  The Hammonds have also made it clear that they didn’t ask for the Bundys or the militias for help.  They turned themselves in after being resentenced for an arson charge (a controlled burn on their own land that spread into nearby federal land). 

This is a miscalculation by the militias, and one that will do more harm than good.   Even occupying the facility while unarmed would have been better than what they’re doing.

And what of Native claims, which predate the ranchers’ claims by thousands of years?  Bundy isn’t talking about that.  No, they’re opening a can of worms that may lead to an outcome that they won’t like.

Just…go home, militia.  Nothing good can come of this.

Sunday, January 03, 2016

GOP Promises to Repeal Obamacare in 2016: Another Empty Promise in an Election Year That They Have No Hope (Or Apparent Intention) of Fulfilling

The GOP is promising that the first bill they will send to President Obama’s desk for his veto is the repeal of the (not) Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). 

They could have already done that in the multi-trillion dollar budget that they passed last month.  Instead, they left Obamacare completely intact, and left Planned Parenthood intact as well, in a bill that really mattered.

By their actions so far, the GOP seems to be sending the message that they’d rather keep their Boogeymen (Obamacare and Planned Parenthood) around so that they have wedge issues that they can readily go after for political points. 

They don’t have a prayer of succeeding in either goal unless they increase their control of both houses (very unlikely due to the do-nothing Congress and GOP) and pull off a miracle in November and put someone in the White House.

The sooner the GOP puts up and shuts up, the sooner people like me will start to believe what they’re saying and promising.   I have no faith in the current Congress to get anything done this year, while I have every expectation for President Obama to do exactly what he says he’s going to do, and rule by presidential proclamation, regardless of whether it’s constitutional or not.

Prove me wrong, GOP.   Get something done.